00:42:20 Kim Alleyne: Hello happy new year! Where can we find the link to the survey 00:43:06 Abdul-Razak Zachariah | Planning Department: Happy new year Kim! You can find the survey here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdPivDfNFU0_8rQ49VU3j4zZn-PopKM8lLb76zJ9xkvSEybZw/viewform 00:43:11 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Hi Kim: The survey has a box on the right saying "priorities survey" on the project webpage: https://www.bostonplans.org/neighborhood-housing 00:43:17 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): (Abdul also sent you the direct link) 00:43:27 Indus Johnson - Councilor Santana: Good evening everyone! My name is Indus Johnson and I'm the Director of Constituent Services for Councilor at Large Henry Santana. If I can be of any assistance please feel free to contact me at Carla.johnson@boston.gov. 00:43:39 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): For everyone: the project webpage is where we will post these slides, as well as the recording of the meeting tonight. 00:44:51 Kim Alleyne: Thank you for your speedy reply. Is there a version of the survey that does not require a google account? 00:45:06 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Yes I have lots to say as discounted tenant, I do not want to live in discounted housing aka something always wrong with it! 00:45:14 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: looking for survey 00:45:15 Mark Goldner: What does ADU stand for? 00:45:35 Katherine Dander: accessory dwelling unit 00:45:35 Dan Bisers: Accessory dwelling unit 00:45:36 Will Cohen (Planning Department): We were encountering some serious spam responses earlier today, so we had to require a google account 00:46:09 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: my speakers test works but speaker not working 00:46:41 Ella Wise, Planning Department (she): Sorry to hear, Karen. Can you adjust the volume? 00:47:36 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Hi Kim: We are working through what are other ways to provide the survey (we truly unfortunately has to take this step due to receiving 8000 responses in 2 minutes - which activated all of our anti-spam protections). We can make sure to send an update when we've figured that out - whether it's sending it by email, direct link, or otherwise. 00:48:51 Marti Glynn: The problem with the survey is that there was no option to indicate that NEITHER option presented was acceptable. 00:49:51 Angela Williams-Mitchell: Greetings. Please provide the link to the "Project webpage" where we will access the slides and recording. Thank you. 00:49:53 Dana T: Replying to "The problem with the..." Agree! 00:50:03 Brian McCarter: Replying to "The problem with the..." yes 00:50:04 Ella Wise, Planning Department (she): https://www.bostonplans.org/neighborhood-housing 00:50:18 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Hi Marti: Yes, this is a component of survey that is explicitly about evaluating tradeoffs. There are also open-ended questions where a respondent can share responses like yours. 00:50:48 Indus Johnson - Councilor Santana: When is the deadline for the survey? 00:51:28 Marti Glynn: There are options to increase affordable housing in Boston that do not require the trade-offs in your survey. 00:52:10 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Everyplace in the Greater Boston area has a playground or active field under my window PLEASE no more I want quiet! 00:52:15 MARK SUTHERLAND: Hello I have a two car garage that is 18/25 inches from my house can we combine the two ?? 00:52:26 Thelma DaSilva: What about homes that have existing building like a carriage house in area like Roxbury ? 00:52:29 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Hi Indus: We anticipate closing the survey by February 14 00:52:46 Ella Wise, Planning Department (she): Marti: Please send us your ideas at residentialzoning@boston.gov 00:52:47 Katherine Dander: Why is the West End labeled “Fenway” ?? 00:53:00 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: I am from Boston Proper but my community is across the street Brookline. 00:53:17 Vicki Rugo: Replying to "The problem with the…" Agree! 00:53:39 Ella Wise, Planning Department (she): Replying to "Hello I have a two c..." Mark, Not sure I understand your question. Can you combine what exactly? 00:53:53 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Excellent credit and references but cannot find a comfortable quiet one bed in my community! 00:54:15 Ella Wise, Planning Department (she): Replying to "What about homes tha..." Thelma, Yes, Accessory Dwelling Units can include conversion of existing detached buildings. 00:54:23 MARK SUTHERLAND: Replying to "Hello I have a two c..." And build up 00:54:43 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Hi Mark and Thelma: Right now, it's likely that the type of project you describe would require zoning relief through the Board of Appeal. The Planning Department supports the conversion of existing carriage houses when those do go through the process for zoning relief. More broadly, there may be building code issues specific to your envisioned project that are important to investigate and address. 00:55:11 Jacob Downey: What is meant by legalize existing buildings? 00:55:19 Thelma DaSilva: Replying to "What about homes tha…" Is this a neighborhood that still has to go through zoning board ? Contractors don’t like going through Boston’s process. They always say it’s a lot of work. 00:55:25 Dan Bisers: You should be able to do Mark's project without zoning relief 00:56:05 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Hi Jacob: Right now, about 99% of existing buildings in the city have zoning that is "smaller" than what is already there. That means when a property owner goes to make a change - such as rebuilding their porch - it requires zoning relief. 00:56:33 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): One of our guiding principles of this effort is to make the zoning rules better match what is already there in our neighborhoods. 00:57:13 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "You should be able t..." Hi Dan: That's definitely a goal for the updated zoning we will write and adopt as a result of this effort! 00:57:15 Sarah Randall: Replying to "What about homes tha…" Yes all neighborhoods have to go through zoning. I think the purpose of this project is to make it less annoying to do what you want. 00:57:38 Dan Bisers: Replying to "One of our guiding p..." It should also allow the housing growth that Boston needs to tackle its housing scarcity/affordability crisis 00:57:42 Thelma DaSilva: Replying to "What about homes tha…" Thanks! 00:57:45 Jacob Downey: So the current buildings are not matching current zoning requirements, the new zoning would bring what already exists to be the new standard and make it easier to expand further? 00:58:28 Sarah Randall: Replying to "One of our guiding p…" agree Dan, lets do all of the above. Can’t build a classic triple decker anymore 😓 00:58:34 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "What about homes tha..." Exactly - our goal is to set clear rules at the outset so it's easier to understand what is possible (and what is not) so the process is easier - and may not require going through the Zoning Board of Appeal. 00:58:57 Ella Wise, Planning Department (she): Jacob: Correct! 00:59:14 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "One of our guiding p..." Hi folks: stay tuned for our excellent summer intern Tejas' site walking survey that found a triple decker in every Boston neighborhood 00:59:35 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: All the nooks and crannies of livability have been overdeveloped noise like Northstation some nice buildings but too many people its like New York City and insane amount of money and they still cannot sleep or nap! 01:00:18 E S: How is one noticed to attend the Tejas survey? 01:00:27 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: I like more floor area ratio makes more comfortable apartments ! 01:00:30 Andrew Murray: Replying to "All the nooks and cr..." Our population is 150,000 people fewer than it was 70 years ago 01:00:55 Nick Block: I'm curious about converting carriage houses too. I'm looking at the ADU guidebook for medium lots. Is there a definition of square feet for medium vs small lots? 01:01:02 Thelma DaSilva: How long do you think this process will take? 01:01:13 District 7 Office: Hello everyone, my name is Angie, I am representing District 7 Councilor Anderson. If constituents have any feedback on this topic, please email Tania.anderson@boston.gov 01:01:21 Ella Wise, Planning Department (she): E S: Texas explored each neighborhood on his own to document different existing types of housing in Boston across the city 01:01:41 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "How is one noticed t..." Hi E S: Tejas was a student who spent his summer walking and taking pictures in each neighborhood of the city. Sorry for conflating priorities survey with the process of walking and taking photos - of "surveying the scene" 01:02:10 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Anyone can email mail about these things friendsknow@yahoo.com 01:02:37 Austin Smith: thank you for explaining this so clearly! 01:02:40 Brian McCarter: Where is a triple decker in the south end 01:02:44 Mike Dorgan: Need to clarify where parking is going to be. On or off-street. Seem to be reducing on-street parking dramatically. 01:02:52 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Please no more open spaces unless inside! Put the active field under your own window please! 01:03:10 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "I'm curious about co..." Hi Nick: One of the most important variables is lot width (or how much of a lot comes up to the street), as the fire department requires carriage houses to have a clear space of at least 10 feet in front of them. More things are possible on corner lots or others where there is a lot of lot on a street - so the fire department can get to the carriage house directly from the street. 01:03:21 Anna Clemens: Love the recognition that height and multi family exist in all our neighborhoods! 01:03:39 Bessie King: In repeated cases, neighborhood associations oppose a development project based on new regulations and the permits are still approved. What accountability is being placed for the licensing board to respect these changes and who will be responsible for enacting this accountability? Otherwise our time continues to be wasted, we follow rims that developers are not equay held responsible to follow. 01:03:51 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "How long do you thin..." Hi Thelma: We're hoping to deliver updated zoning for the first phase this year. And then move into later phases next year. 01:04:10 Austin Smith: can you talk a little bit slower? thanks! 01:04:17 E S: Agree 01:04:17 Mike Dorgan: Like to alkso understand, as others have noted, why population has declined but housing is tighter? Is the issue many single person families. Are we also going to took at allowing more boarding house types of options? 01:04:42 Thelma DaSilva: Replying to "How long do you thin…" So zoning is first phase whats the next phase? 01:04:47 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "Where is a triple de..." Hi Brian: The South End is in a landmarked district, which heavily control all aspects of physical form. It's also a multi-family residential zoning district, and so not a focus of this effort. 01:04:56 Derick Johnson: Given 99% of current buildings don’t meet zoning, what have you learned from the remaining 1%? Are they examples of development we’d like to promote? How do recent approvals in recently zoned neighborhoods fare in this test? Prob best to address during Q&A, thanks. 01:05:03 Dan Bisers: Replying to "In repeated cases, n..." Please reduce/eliminate the influence of neighborhood associations in project review. They don't represent the residents of the neighborhood. They mostly represent homeowners that have higher incomes than the rest of the neighborhood. 01:05:12 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Anyone own a carriage house in Brookline I can pay up to 2,500 plus depending on zipcode. excellent credit and references. 01:05:51 Brian McCarter: Replying to "Where is a triple de..." What about mass ave to melnea cass 01:06:13 Ella Wise, Planning Department (she): Replying to "How long do you thin..." Phase 1 is Large lots with up to 4 units. Future phases may address different types of lots 01:06:13 Jenn Cartee: Replying to "In repeated cases, n..." +1 for Dan’s comment 01:06:31 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Replying to "Where is a triple de..." Lots of Public Housing at Melnea Cass and golf course 01:06:39 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "Where is a triple de..." Still the same multifamily residential zoning district as other areas of the South End! 01:06:47 Bessie King: Replying to "In repeated cases, n…" I would argue, without neighborhood association review developers do whatever they want. Residents should have easy approvals and right now, under the record of permitting from the board, it's reversed. Developers get an easy pass and residents are held up. If you are actively involved in your neighborhood associations you wouldn't have this angst 01:07:24 Dan Bisers: Replying to "In repeated cases, n..." Rents just go up and up if you don't allow housing to be built. 01:07:57 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: I does not matter no one takes an excellent tenant because they don't want section 8. 01:08:00 Brian McCarter: Please speak slower 01:08:06 Dan Bisers: Replying to "In repeated cases, n..." Rules can be written into the zoning code. Not every project needs to be litigated. 01:08:24 Thelma DaSilva: Replying to "How long do you thin…" So carriage house wouldn’t be part of this phase. I’m more interesting in single dwelling with a carriage house . 01:09:13 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "Given 99% of current..." Hi Derrick: We can highlight this in Q&A - but earlier in this presentation we shared about projects in Mattapan, where zoning was updated a year ago to enable ADUs. So far, a single-family house 2 primarily internal ADUs have been permitted 01:09:34 Andrew Murray: Two things I'd really like to see: Strike parking mandates. This doesn't mean parking won't be built – it'll just be determined by developers' read of what the market wants and what lenders will finance. Upzone to the next increment of density (4 stories, up to 10-14 dwelling units) rather than just legalizing triple deckers. 01:10:10 Dan Bisers: Replying to "Two things I'd reall..." +1 for Andrew's comment 01:10:20 Cullen Deimer: Replying to "Two things I'd rea..." Agreed! 01:10:22 Elvira Mora: Replying to "Two things I'd reall..." +1 01:10:25 Chris Vaughan: Replying to "Two things I'd reall..." +1 01:10:25 Brandon Stanaway: Replying to "Two things I'd reall..." +1 01:10:31 Kathryn Ostrofsky: Replying to "Two things I'd reall..." +1 01:10:34 Jordan Bryant: Replying to "Two things I'd reall..." +1 01:10:44 Kim Alleyne: Replying to "In repeated cases, n…" I agree that we need affordable housing. In my area a number of the new developments have been approved that do not create affordable housing. They are also on busy congested intersections that are not accessible to rapid transit and create more demand for inadequate bus service and more traffic. 01:10:47 Tyler Swanson: Replying to "Two things I'd reall..." +1 01:10:53 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "How long do you thin..." Zoning for that will be part of this phase - but focused in the largest lots areas of the city - so building on the work in Mattapan in neighboring areas of Hyde Park, West Roxbury, Roslindale, and JP 01:11:00 Bessie King: Replying to "In repeated cases, n…" If there are rules residents must follow then everyone must follow them. Therefore every project should be regulated. Especially those projects from developers that don't live in the neighborhood, invest in the neighborhood, or care about the futire of the neighborhood 01:11:05 Nathan Chui: Replying to "Two things I'd reall..." +1 01:11:10 Mike Dorgan: Why aren't all of the neighborhoods included in labels etc. e.g.) no Allston/Brighton. 01:11:28 Cullen Deimer: Replying to "Why aren't all of ..." I was curious about this as well 01:11:48 Dan Bisers: Replying to "In repeated cases, n..." Blocking housing doesn't create affordable housing 01:11:48 Andrea Baena, Planning Department (she/her): Replying to "How long do you thin..." Yes, carriage house would be part of this phase if it's withing areas with predominantly large lots 01:12:18 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "Why aren't all of th..." Hi Mike: Allston-Brighton is undergoing a neighborhood-wide community plan right now. We are planning to deliver zoning updates based on that planning process. More about that here: https://www.bostonplans.org/planning-zoning/planning-initiatives/planning-in-allston-brighton 01:12:41 Thelma DaSilva: Replying to "How long do you thin…" Ok. I’m in Roxbury. So if I want to build on that carriage house ..I can still use the adu program. I would just have to go through the longer process with zoning? 01:12:53 Brandon Stanaway: Replying to "In repeated cases, n..." The current system favors large firms that have the means to navigate the zoning process. Creating standard rules that reduce regulatory barriers allows people with fewer resources to pursue development projects. 01:12:59 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "In repeated cases, n..." Hi Bessie: Yes, the goal of updating zoning is to create rules - including a zoning map - that everyone has to follow. 01:13:25 Barbara Parmenter: Replying to "Two things I'd rea..." +1 01:13:26 Zack DeClerck: Looking forward to progressive changes in our zoning. Removing the ~requirement~ for car parking is one good way to allow for more green space while also adding much needed density and housing. Evening meetings are difficult for our family so we won’t be on long but wanted to voice our support as a working family in the city that wants relaxed zoning, allowing for more homes, and dynamic walkable neighborhoods. 01:13:35 Sarah Randall: Replying to "In repeated cases, n…" +1 Brandon 01:13:44 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "How long do you thin..." Yes - you'd have to go through the Board of Appeal (but we and the Mayor's Office of Housing can help with that process) 01:13:53 Liz Cormack: So excited about expanding support for home-based businesses! 👏🏼 01:14:00 Bessie King: Replying to "Two things I'd reall…" Do not strike parking please. Here in East Boston we have seen a major issue for parents, business owners, seniors, and people with disabilities who can't find parking due to the overflow of developer-led projects where they say "parking is not needed" and 2 to 3 people move to their units and add 1 car to the vehicle population. We NEED parking, or at the least defined parking for the populations I just mentioned 01:14:05 Barbara Parmenter: Replying to "Why aren't all of ..." Looking forward to this coming to Allston Brighton. 01:14:15 Jonathan Foster-Moore: +1 for Zack’s comment!! 01:14:18 Mike Dorgan: Replying to "Why aren't all of th..." Why different? We have much of the same issues as other neighborhoods, but seem to be being forced to higher density than others and we are already quite high. 01:14:28 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "Looking forward to p..." Thanks Zack for joining - we're all ears on other ways to make sure we make it easier for working families to participate without joining these meetings! 01:14:49 Thelma DaSilva: Replying to "How long do you thin…" Ok. I might do that. Can you send your email? 01:14:50 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Boston proper please no more open spaces they become active sports and hangout noise! 01:14:52 Bessie King: Replying to "In repeated cases, n…" @Kathleen Onufer (Planning) but who will enforce this and keep the licensing board accountable? What is the process for this accountability? 01:15:17 Jenn Cartee: Replying to "Two things I'd reall..." Yes, Andrew’s points are the lowest hanging fruit to make a meaningful impact on our housing supply. We should follow Cambridge/Somerville/Austin/Minneapolis’ lead in all of this. We are a City and our zoning should reflect that. 01:15:52 Brandon Stanaway: Replying to "So excited about exp..." Agreed! More opportunities for creative and innovative work! 01:16:04 Brian McCarter: Houston has some of the least restrictive zoning in the country though so is it really a good comparison? 01:16:08 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "How long do you thin..." adu@boston.gov will get you to the right folks to help! 01:16:28 Bessie King: Replying to "Two things I'd reall…" If you want to get rid of parking then we need reliable transportation and services for the populations mentioned and the City currently does not have this, and what our state has is not reliable 01:16:57 Thelma DaSilva: Replying to "How long do you thin…" I’ve tried that email and they forward me to the updates as Roxbury is not one of the towns yet or is that wrong? 01:17:21 Lisa Beatman: For this new zoning initiative and ADU's, are there any proposed changes to all fire safety codes, and other building codes that ensure minimum standards of fitness for human habitation? And if so, what? How have firefighters, other first responders, and building code experts been involved in this process? https://www.boston.gov/sites/default/files/file/2023/12/Guidance%20on%20ADUs%20and%20Fire%20Safety_12.11.23.pdf https://www.mass.gov/doc/105-cmr-410-minimum-standards-of-fitness-for-human-habitation-state-sanitary-code-chapter-ii/download 01:17:57 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "How long do you thin..." Will.Cohen@boston.gov will get back to you. 01:18:09 Brandon Stanaway: Replying to "For this new zoning ..." This is a good point! Updates to building and safety codes are needed! 01:18:26 Thelma DaSilva: Replying to "How long do you thin…" Thanks! 01:19:05 Zack DeClerck: Replying to "Looking forward to p…" Thanks Kathleen. Honestly it’s a hard problem to solve for. Many in our shoes have a hard time engaging with these public discussions no matter the format. But that doesn’t mean we don’t care about the future of the city! 01:19:06 Kristine she, her, ella: St. Marks civic assn 01:19:30 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "For this new zoning ..." Hi Lisa: Building code is not set at the municipal level, but we worked closely with the fire department in advance of the Mattapan zoning to establish standards that they are comfortable with. All ADUs (and any project) is subject to building code and fire code review regardless of its zoning status. Part of why we've highlighted opportunities for attached and internal ADUs is based on guidance from the fire department that they are preferred. 01:19:36 Brandon Stanaway: Replying to "For this new zoning ..." For example, allowing for single stair buildings would increase the percent of the floor plate that can be used for housing - increasing the number of units, eventually lowering rental prices, and bringing us in line with many of the building and safety standards the rest of the world has. 01:19:42 Ross Levanto: How does what we discussed tonight relate to the zoning changes that are part of the Streets & Squares initiative? 01:19:44 Bill Peros: Can you mail out a copy of the current ADU Guidebook? 01:20:08 Zack DeClerck: Replying to "Looking forward to p…" hope the city can make changes sooner than later since time compounds the severity of our housing crisis. 01:20:43 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: please unmite my mic ! 01:20:58 Sarah Randall: Replying to "please unmite my mic…" You need to raise your hand 01:21:10 Nelson Reyes: Wat is the bite with all this amaizing ideas!!!, we have seen so many constructions, rent continues high and taxes are imposible to pay for any low or medium income family 01:21:14 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "How does what we dis..." Hi Ross: We are going to make sure that future engagement events have information about both initiatives. The Squares + Streets initiative is focused on high-activity mixed use areas, where this is focused on lower-intensity residential area. 01:21:48 Ella Wise, Planning Department (she): Replying to "please unmite my mic..." Hi Karen, If you have a question, please raise your hand or add your question to the chat. 01:22:01 E S: Has there been reach out to the S.B. and the City Point Association. Are notices being sent? 01:22:04 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "How does what we dis..." Mattapan is a good example - there is Squares + Streets zoning in Mattapan Square, along Blue Hill Ave, and mixed use areas of key corridors like Cummings and River St. The vast majority of the residential area has updated residential zoning to account for ADUs. 01:22:14 Brian McCarter: Have you reached out to WSANA? 01:22:18 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Home owner should get tax credits and more from Section 8 program. 01:22:48 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "Can you mail out a c..." Hi Bill: We've sent copies to BPL that they are placing in every BPL branch! 01:23:02 Ross Levanto: Replying to "How does what we dis..." Thank you! 01:23:19 Kim Alleyne: Replying to "So excited about exp…" Agreed! We should support child care. 01:23:43 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: newish computer wants to use my cell phone ugh! speaker still only work with demo 01:24:30 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "Has there been reach..." Hi E S: Since South Boston is not in the first phase, no, there have not been a direct request (as there has been to organizations within the first phase). South Boston is also an area of the city that is in a multi-family residential zoning district today. 01:24:34 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Boston and Brookline often excluded! Homeless is %95 homeless which is not diversity! 01:25:05 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "Have you reached out..." Hi Brian: Similarly, as Worcester Square is not envisioned as part of this initiative, we have not reached out to them. 01:26:05 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Why I am hearing more more open spaces instead of places to gather inside especially during cold. 01:26:47 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: No mute unmite not working 01:26:49 Mimi Clemens: I’ve been waiting for these changes for so long! ADUs and upzoning are desperately needed to build more housing in Boston.. we can do this! Also, please end parking mandates. Many US cities have already ended this practice. 01:26:56 Tyler Swanson: Replying to "I’ve been waiting fo..." +1 01:27:10 Dan Bisers: Replying to "I’ve been waiting fo..." +1 01:27:10 Sarah Randall: Replying to "I’ve been waiting fo…" +1 01:27:20 Jordan Bryant: Replying to "I’ve been waiting fo..." +1 01:27:26 Nick Block: Replying to "Why I am hearing mor..." Good point. All these children-family parks are shut down in the winter. Would love to see inside parks/gyms/splashpads for the winter 01:27:33 Chris Vaughan: Replying to "I’ve been waiting fo..." +1 01:27:46 Abdul-Razak Zachariah | Planning Department: Replying to "So excited about exp..." @Kim Alleyne We were able to update the zoning in October 2023 to actually allow home-based child care facilities citywide so it's one of the few types of home-based business types that does not have zoning barriers to being created! More information about that update is here: https://www.bostonplans.org/planning-zoning/zoning-initiatives/citywide-child-care-zoning 01:28:30 Nathan Chui: Replying to "I’ve been waiting fo..." +1 01:28:35 Kristine she, her, ella: Parking? seriously? 01:28:42 E S: I agree with Larry Costello. Your taking away our voice. 01:28:49 Andrew Murray: Replying to "I’ve been waiting fo..." +100 01:29:03 Brandon Stanaway: The current process works well for whom? 01:29:32 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: What about different types of housing for different types of people? Please no more open spaces aka active fields! Put your window. No quiet places always a playground, active field open space, open parking to alarms or truck route and even a basket ball court please NO NO NO! 01:29:37 kenneth terry: With the addition of living space addition to parking / transpotation needs to be addressed. 01:30:10 Diane Wiggins: Is there an opportunity for interested Boston residents who want to buy a multi family to work with the builder early on, or get on a buyer list? 01:30:28 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: South Brookline some nice places but bus once an hour and on a truck route! 01:30:39 Sarah Randall: So many times in my attendance at my local community group, many people have come in asking to do basic things like a dormer or turn half of the basement into a bedroom. It feels silly each time, they’re hardly changing anything and yet they have to go through this months-long approval process. So I’d say no, it doesn’t work well for everyone. 01:30:48 Anna Clemens: Thank you for prioritizing a streamlined process for families who are just trying to live in their space. It benefits all of us for folks to be able to retrofit their homes and yards. Better zoning, stronger communities 01:31:06 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: What about a tenant list for a spacious place in Brookline. 01:31:30 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: One Beds no kids no pets no car no problems 01:32:15 Tyler Swanson: Replying to "So many times in my ..." +1 01:32:33 Jonathan Foster-Moore: Karen, this is not about Brookline 01:32:48 Tyler Swanson: Replying to "Thank you for priori..." +1 01:32:49 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Replying to "So many times in my ..." @Tyler Swanson 01:32:49 Kathryn Ostrofsky: Replying to "Thank you for priori..." +1 01:33:00 Kim Alleyne: Thank you for this information. I would like to see any changes align with what people have expressed as priorities with respect to open space, parking and climate change. I would like to ensure we are considering access to rapid transit (versus inadequate bus services). How will the city decide how many residents in a given sub neighborhood can pursue ADU units? 01:33:33 Nick Block: Replying to "Thank you for this i..." all? 01:33:38 Nathan Chui: Replying to "Thank you for priori..." +1 01:33:41 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: I am the Illegal across the street its embarrassing to be Boston Proper. 01:33:48 Andrew Murray: Zoning should be updated more frequently than it has been in the past - over 15 years since our last rezoning in Roslindale. Should be more like every 3-5 years 01:33:53 Steven VanDyke: Replying to "Why aren't all of th…" ? 01:34:28 Barbara Parmenter: Replying to "I’ve been waiting..." +1 01:35:07 Sarah Randall: Replying to "Zoning should be upd…" Except it feel like this process takes 5 years to finish 😂 01:35:16 Jenn Cartee: Replying to "I’ve been waiting fo..." There are so many carriage houses and existing garage space in Dorchester that could be converted for elders downsizing or kids trying to stay in the community. We need these updates. 01:35:21 Sarah Randall: Replying to "So many times in my …" @Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile what? 01:35:32 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Hi Karen and others: I wanted to drop a link to the City's affordable housing page that let's folks sign up for IDP units: https://www.boston.gov/affordable-housing-boston 01:35:35 Nick Block: Replying to "I’ve been waiting fo..." @Jenn Cartee yes 01:35:37 valerie Foxx: The Roxbury community specifically Nubian Square is the area that is undergoing massive development. Hundreds of rental units are being built and some home ownership. Too many large developments projects are developed or being proposed. 01:35:50 Barbara Parmenter: Replying to "Thank you for prio..." +1 01:35:52 Tyler Swanson: Replying to "So many times in my ..." Yes? 01:36:08 Sarah Randall: I have to head out but that you everyone who is running this project 01:36:09 Larry costello: Zoning was created for a reason. All neighborhoods within communities are not the same. The easy variances are always granted. The “expense” is the city’s fault. Just fix that! 01:36:31 Andrew Murray: Replying to "Zoning was created f..." The reason, at least originally, was keeping out unwanted ethnic groups 01:36:47 Barbara Parmenter: Replying to "I’ve been waiting..." +1 01:36:58 Tyler Swanson: Replying to "I’ve been waiting fo..." +1 01:37:01 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): There is also the Office of Housing Stability: https://www.boston.gov/departments/housing/office-housing-stability who may be able to offer additional resources 01:37:18 Brandon Stanaway: Replying to "Zoning was created f..." And what reason is that, in your perspective? 01:37:20 Jenn Cartee: Replying to "I’ve been waiting fo..." @Nick Block If you are in Dot and want to join the Dorchester Growing Together virtual meeting Wednesday night @ 7, email info@dotgrow.org 01:37:45 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Replying to "Hi Karen and others:..." Thanks but nothing I like here. Discounted tenant does not want to live in discounted housing : ( 01:37:57 Barbara Parmenter: Replying to "Thank you for prio..." +1 01:38:10 Austin Smith: Larry, zoning was created for a reason, but different neighborhoods had authentic characters and identities before zoning. so it isn’t zoning that keeps neighborhoods safe and authentic. 01:40:00 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Replying to "So many times in my ..." @Sarah Randall sorry. this is the truth that no one in my area wants section 8 mobile . My email if you would like is friendsknow@yahoo.com 01:40:07 Brandon Stanaway: For detached ADUs, how is energy and water infrastructure being connected to the building? Is it through the main structure on the property? A separate connection? 01:40:42 kenya beaman: I encourage all residents on this call to tell/share this information w/ their neighbors. Association leaders/presidents are also encouraged to share this information to all on their email contact list. This is important to share this information far and wide. 01:40:47 Kim Alleyne: Will there be a limit to the number of units that can be created as ADU on one property? Will owner occupancy be required for ADUs to be created? 01:40:50 Andrea Baena, Planning Department (she/her): Link to ADU Guidebook!https://storymaps.arcgis.com/collections/3c200fb878524d21a7afaee4c1d144b9 01:41:26 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "For detached ADUs, h..." Hi Brandon: That is not something we regulate in zoning, but all will have to comply with building, electrical, and sanitary code. 01:41:30 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Replying to "There is also the Of..." Yes I know about this. More discounted housing something always terrible with it. 01:41:44 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Replying to "There is also the Of..." Thank you though. 01:41:53 Brandon Stanaway: Replying to "For detached ADUs, h..." Thanks! 01:42:52 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "Will there be a limi..." Hi Kim: In the Mattapan zoning, you can create up to 2 ADUs provided the property does not exceed the maximum number of units. 01:43:53 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "Will there be a limi..." So a 1 unit in a district that allows no more than 3 total units could create 2 adus. A 2 unit building in that district could only create 1 unit. 01:44:00 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Replying to "Zoning was created f..." My prospective Section 8 your a bad tenant! Surprised they would be if I had a chance to live in a building/ place of my choice, excellent credit and references. 01:44:29 Austin Smith: more regulations like this that require variances make property taxes higher — more tax money is needed for the staffing. that’s the price of overburdened regulations. 01:44:34 Jenn Cartee: Requiring owner occupancy for a single family property that adds a detached ADU would mean treating those homes differently than an existing two family or a single family that gets a (expensive) zoning variance to convert to a 2F. This entire separate class of property ownership is NOT the path the state took with the statewide rules (which don’t apply to Boston). It seems like an administrative nightmare to track that, and it doesn’t seem equitable to treat two very similar sets of homes so differently, privileging those who can afford the extra legal process of getting a formal variance. 01:44:48 Barbara Crichlow WSSVNA: How do I save the chat? 01:45:23 Andrea Baena, Planning Department (she/her): Barbara: we will share the chat on the website, along with the slides and the recorded presentation 01:45:25 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): HI Barbara: We will plan to save the chat and post it on the project webpage. 01:45:29 Dan Bisers: I agree with Andrew, we need 4 stories as of right across the entire city 01:45:33 Holden Lewis: Replying to "Requiring owner occu..." I imagine this is designed to keep developers from building ADUs to get around single family zoning. 01:45:36 Tyler Swanson: Replying to "I agree with Andrew,..." +1 01:45:47 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Replying to "I’ve been waiting fo..." Boston University takes all the parking! I am sure its the some with other Univerisitys. Tripple expand then blame existing tenants that new people have no where to go. 01:45:56 Brandon Stanaway: Replying to "I agree with Andrew,..." +1 01:46:08 Austin Smith: +1 01:46:12 Kim Alleyne: Replying to "Will there be a limi…" Thank you. 01:46:29 District 7 Office: Replying to "The Roxbury communit..." Hi Valerie, please share this feebowoth the Councilor at Tania.anderson@boston.gov 01:46:47 Kim Alleyne: Replying to "Will there be a limi…" Will owner occupancy be required to do ADUs? 01:46:52 Brian McCarter: Replying to "How do I save the ch..." File a mass record request to the records supervisor. The government zoom account logs the chat 01:47:00 Nathan Chui: Replying to "I agree with Andrew,..." +1 01:47:11 Jonathan Foster-Moore: Replying to "I agree with Andrew,…" +1 01:47:46 Barbara Parmenter: Replying to "I agree with Andre..." +1 01:48:15 Nick Block: I also have a sub-5000 sqft lot and would love to convert my carriage house (fancy word for my freestanding garage/current bike shed) 01:48:25 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "How do I save the ch..." I think you can also just save the chat as a participant (I'm not sure, but again, we'll be exporting it and posting it, so that records request response would be a link to the project webpage. You'll get it faster by just going directly there! 01:48:43 kenneth terry: what are considered Small, medium and large lots 01:48:53 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Replying to "Requiring owner occu..." Maybe some agency can pay for the Variance? There should be one if there is not all ready. 01:48:58 Jenn Cartee: Replying to "Requiring owner occu..." The state legislature debated it and decided ultimately it wasn’t worth it/the best path was the simplest. In the current extreme housing shortage, I am not sure why we should object to it being easier for a developer (someone in the business of building new homes) to build more homes. What happens if the owner dies and their heir lives outside of Boston and doesn’t want to move? 01:49:04 Steven Pugh: Replying to "How do I save the ch..." Save Chat https://support.zoom.com/hc/en/article?id=zm_kb&sysparm_article=KB0067312 01:50:02 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Replying to "Requiring owner occu..." Lease it forever to the existing tenant 01:50:05 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "Requiring owner occu..." Hi Jenn: We continue to evaluate how the current owner-occupant requirement impacts policy goals, and enforcement, as you've highlighted. 01:50:21 Dan Bisers: Boston should adopt Seattle's single stair building code reforms 01:50:52 Tyler Swanson: Replying to "Boston should adopt ..." +1 01:50:59 Chris Vaughan: Replying to "Boston should adopt ..." +1 01:51:00 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Hi Dan: Building code lives at the state level in Massachusetts - so highly encourage directing single stair (or other building code reform questions) there! 01:51:10 Lisa Terry: Can you make the chat savable? 01:51:19 E S: I truly do not understand how this blanket zoning is fair. Every neighborhood differs. Some areas do not have open space. Parking is a deal breaker in SB as there is no parking for current residents. 01:51:19 Nathan Chui: Replying to "Boston should adopt ..." +1 01:51:22 Andrew Murray: Replying to "Boston should adopt ..." +1 01:51:32 Brandon Stanaway: Replying to "Hi Dan: Building cod..." It'd be helpful to have the city research and advocate for those changes at the state level! 01:51:55 Dan Bisers: Replying to "Hi Dan: Building cod..." @Brandon Stanaway +1 01:51:59 Barbara Parmenter: Replying to "Boston should adop..." +1 01:52:14 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Replying to "I truly do not under..." Hi E S: We're not proposing blanket zoning - because you're correct, many areas of the city (even within neighborhoods) differ. 01:52:21 susan pranger: So what is the size of a large lot, or does that change for different neighborhoods. 01:52:43 Jenn Cartee: Replying to "Requiring owner occu..." Karen, I actually think the existing tenant would not be allowed to stay if the new owner didn’t move in, because the certificate of occupancy depends on it. Instability for the tenant is one of my concerns. Thank you, Kathleen. I don’t mean to get into a side debate. I just wanted to highlight for the Planning Dept that being in the draft as not necessarily the best way to get housing built and definitely out of the norm in MA. 01:53:15 Brandon Stanaway: Replying to "So what is the size ..." A large lot the size of a small lot 01:53:17 Brandon Stanaway: Replying to "So what is the size ..." https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/colorado-sheriffs-office-viral-tweet/ 01:53:44 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: seems its all about families not older individuals. Lots of zoning in Section 8 we are the Illegals if want to move across st. 01:53:46 Kin Chow: can you put up the slide showing your definition of large, medium,&small lots? 01:53:55 Tom Crowley: Replying to "Requiring owner occu..." Investors have been a plague in Allston/Brighton. Allowing them to add units as they wish will just inflate prices. Amherst adopted this because they had too, but as one elected official pointe out, this must makes it harder for families to compete with investors on price. 01:55:11 Ella Wise, Planning Department (she): Replying to "Can you make the cha..." Hi Lisa, We’re working on this but seems like we might not be able to change the setting right now. We will export the chat and post it publicly on the project webpage. 01:55:56 Brian McCarter: Replying to "Can you make the cha..." Thank you. 01:58:13 Kim Alleyne: What is single stair? 01:58:43 Brian McCarter: Replying to "What is single stair..." No fire escape, but only with the best fire suppression systems 01:58:47 Brian McCarter: Replying to "What is single stair..." Basically 01:58:52 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Hi folks: We are not proposing as part of this effort to rezone all lots over a certain size across the city (which would be a more blanket change, as someone said)- we are proposing to rezone the areas of the city where there is the highest concentration of large lots (areas of Hyde Park, Roslindale, West Roxbury, JP, and as already done in Mattapan) 01:58:52 Andrew Murray: Replying to "What is single stair..." currently, buildings of a certain height must be built with two stair cases 01:59:05 Andrew Murray: Replying to "What is single stair..." this makes them more expensive and explains why so many new constructions look "boxy" 01:59:20 Brandon Stanaway: Replying to "What is single stair..." Boston Indicators released a great report about this in October: https://www.bostonindicators.org/-/media/indicators/boston-indicators-reports/report-files/2024_10_04_singlestair_report.pdf 01:59:59 Brandon Stanaway: Replying to "Hi folks: We are not..." Perhaps we should consider it, though! 02:00:16 Ella Wise, Planning Department (she): Mike Dorgan! Here’s the answer to your question from the beginning of the chat 02:00:35 Dan Bisers: Replying to "What is single stair..." Two stairs drives up the cost of developing multifamily and restricts how units can be laid out, so often gives you less pleasant units. 02:01:39 Dan Bisers: Replying to "Hi folks: We are not..." @Brandon Stanaway +1 02:02:51 Nathan Chui: Replying to "What is single stair..." Single-stair reforms allow construction of new residential buildings, typically above three stories, with only one exit stairway 02:03:50 Kim Alleyne: Replying to "What is single stair…" Thank you 02:04:41 Kim Alleyne: Replying to "What is single stair…" If I want to add comments to a survey I submitted, how do I go about that? 02:05:09 Will Cohen (Planning Department): Replying to "What is single stair..." Feel free to just submit again -- we are reading this all in person so we'll figure it out 02:05:16 Kim Alleyne: How do I add comments to a survey I already submitted? 02:06:14 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): Hi Kim: If you email them in, we can append them (provided it's from the same email/name) 02:06:44 Kin Chow: Replying to "I agree with Andrew,..." I don't agree. This is way too dense for many areas. Also, like to explore other options for boarding houses or company dormitories. 02:06:46 Kim Alleyne: Thank you. What email should I use? 02:07:12 Andrea Baena, Planning Department (she/her): Feel free to email residentialzoning@boston.gov 02:07:51 Will Cohen (Planning Department): For anyone worried about emails to that address going into a black box, right now it goes to all of us planners working on this initiative 02:08:17 Lisa Beatman: There is strong opposition to single stairway buildings by firefighting organizations. This trend circumvents established building code peer review. Building code and firefighting experts should determine safety standards - not legislators, not designers or architects. https://www.nfpa.org/news-blogs-and-articles/nfpa-journal/2024/08/06/the-single-exit-stairwell-debate 02:08:35 Katherine Dander: thank you -have to leave 02:09:07 Rick Yoder: Replying to "What is single stair..." Historically, two public stairways insure a safe escape if one stairway is blocked by a fire. A fire protective system depends on frequent maintenance and testing. That maintenance is the responsibility of the building owner and may or may not happen in an adequate manner. 02:10:28 Brandon Stanaway: Replying to "There is strong oppo..." Single stair buildings exist around the world and are as safe, if not safer, than our current double loaded buildings. Firefighting organizations need to update their priors given advances in fire suppression technologies and different road and firetruck designs. 02:11:05 Nick Block: Replying to "There is strong oppo..." Paris is beautiful. Single stair buildings 02:11:32 Lisa Beatman: Replying to "There is strong oppo..." European building are built of stone and brick. American buildings are primarily built of wood. 02:13:03 Andrea Baena, Planning Department (she/her): adu@boston.gov 02:13:04 Kathleen Onufer (Planning): ADU@boston.gov 02:13:13 Li Santos: You keep your land and lease it out put it in a land trust don’t let those contractors take it 02:14:07 Andrea Baena, Planning Department (she/her): https://content.boston.gov/departments/housing/planning-your-accessory-dwelling-unit#adu-financial-assistance-program 02:14:16 Kin Chow: Are we keeping zoning to it's original pupose? This is not to force others to do what you want with their property but to avoid issues with neighbors such as noise, excess traffic, etc. Seems like we aren't focused on protecting the community but more on forcing additional development. 02:14:17 Brandon Stanaway: Replying to "There is strong oppo..." It'd be great to allow for different kinds of building design and materials by liberalizing our regulations to allow for it! 02:15:01 Brandon Stanaway: Replying to "Are we keeping zonin..." What is the original purpose of zoning? 02:15:22 Dan Bisers: I applaud the efforts to streamline development approval and update the zoning code. Boston needs to set its sights for rezoning higher than what was presented tonight. Massachusetts and Boston are facing a housing scarcity and affordability crisis Massachusetts has the fifth largest homeless population, despite having only the 16th largest population. Working class and middle class residents and young people are leaving because of high rents or not being able to buy a modest home. We need to allow much more by-right residential development. Four story residential buildings should be buildable by-right. Higher residential buildings should be by right within 1/2 mile of a T station. 02:15:36 Brandon Stanaway: Replying to "I applaud the effort..." +1 02:15:39 Ella Wise, Planning Department (she): Replying to "There is strong oppo..." As a reminder, this discussion about “single stair” is related to the Building Code, which is regulated by the State, not cities 02:16:05 Andrew Murray: Replying to "Are we keeping zonin..." @Brandon Stanaway Keeping Jewish immigrants out of Lower Manhattan, and keeping Chinese immigrants out of LA and SF. 02:16:07 Jenn Cartee: Replying to "I agree with Andrew,..." Cambridge is weeks away from passing 4 stories as of right citywide, with 6 stories as of right if income-restricted units are included (more adjacent to transit hubs). I’m looking forward to seeing the results, so Boston can more comfortably move forward and follow their example. 02:16:08 Li Santos: Don’t sell that land your land is about 200-300k estimating 02:16:24 Tom Crowley: Replying to "There is strong oppo..." Lisa makes an excellent point. I am curious if exterior stairs, as in Montreal, might makes sense for buildings that do not require two staircases under current regs 02:16:40 Brandon Stanaway: Replying to "Are we keeping zonin..." 100%, thank you Andrew! 02:16:58 District 7 Office: Hi everyone, my name is Angie and I'm representing District 7 Councilor Anderson, if constituents have any feedback on this topic please email Tania.anderson@boston.gov 02:17:04 Chris Vaughan: Replying to "I applaud the effort..." Very well put, Dan. 02:18:45 Barbara Parmenter: Replying to "I applaud the effo..." Agree with Dan. 02:18:50 Li Santos: Am I able to build an ADU on a parcel that is labeled not buildable get I get that rezoned 02:19:11 Nathan Chui: Replying to "I applaud the effort..." +1 02:20:09 Barbara Parmenter: Thank you, planning team. I would love to have the ADU option, and at least have easier opportunities to renovate. Good work. 02:20:27 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: I cant get speakers sorry next time. 02:21:30 Steven Pugh: Replying to "Thank you, planning ..." Yes, thank you for trying to bring order out of chaos. A lot of priorities and interests to balance. 02:22:47 Lisa Beatman: Mass. Guidance on ADU's and Fire Safety: https://www.boston.gov/sites/default/files/file/2023/12/Guidance%20on%20ADUs%20and%20Fire%20Safety_12.11.23.pdf 02:22:49 Ella Wise, Planning Department (she): Replying to "So what is the size ..." Generally, the working definitions are: Small Lots (less than 40’ wide or 3200 square feet) Medium Lots (40’-60’ wide, 3200-4800 square feet) Large Lots (at least 60’ wide or 4800 square feet) 02:22:50 Karen sect 8 landlords do not want Section 8 not mobile: Thank you 02:23:07 Will Cohen (Planning Department): Replying to "So what is the size ..." To be clear -- these are not zoning definitions. These are what we've been using for analysis! 02:23:15 calvaire paschall: I have the same question for a vacant lot i own. cpaschall954@gmail.com 02:24:52 Wandy Pascoal: Thank you all! 02:24:54 Sarah Randall: Thank you everyone so much for you work 02:25:00 Kathryn Ostrofsky: Replying to "Thank you everyone s..." +1