Mar 07, 2022 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Rss Contact Name:Sarah Black Contact Email Address:[email protected] Type:Impact Advisory Group (IAG) Location:Virtual Meeting
Description: The BPDA will be hosting a virtual Impact Advisory Group (IAG) meeting in connection with the Planned Development Area (PDA) Master Plan associated with the 425 Medford Street project received by the Boston Planning & Development Agency on November 5, 2021. Please note that the purpose of this meeting is different than that of a traditional community meeting. As part of the development review process, IAG members work closely with BPDA staff to identify the impacts of a project and recommend appropriate community benefits to offset those impacts. IAG meetings prioritize discussion between the project proponent (i.e. the developer) and IAG members. 作为波士顿居民和利益相关者,本会议的信息对您来说是至关重要的。可以提供翻译 服务以传达本会议的内容,您无需承担任何额外费用。 作為波士頓居民和利益相關者,本會議的信息對您來說是至關重要的。可以提供翻譯 服務以傳達本會議的內容,您無需承擔任何額外費用。 How to Participate Please register in advance for this meeting through the following link: Webinar ID: 160 297 8122 Toll Free: 833 568 8864