CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

Fenway Transportation Action Plan - Chat with a Planner

Aug 02, 2023

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Contact Name:

    Nick Schmidt

  • Contact Email Address:

    [email protected]

  • Type:

    Chat with a Planner

  • Location:

    Park Drive at Boylston Street / Brookline Avenue
    Boston, MA 02215


This summer, Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) and Boston Transportation Department (BTD) staff are kicking off online and in-person engagement for the Fenway Transportation Action Plan. Staff will be available through August and September in and around the Fenway neighborhood for informal, in-person conversations at “Chat with a Planner” events to learn about community needs and thoughts on travel and transportation in this neighborhood. All thirteen events will highlight the same information and provide identical opportunities to speak with BPDA and BTD staff directly. Please check the Action Plan website for the full list of locations, dates, and times of all thirteen events.