CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

1400 Boylston Street & Zoning Amendment Public Meeting

Nov 06, 2023

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Contact Name:

    Quinn Valcich

  • Contact Email Address:

    [email protected]

  • Type:

    Public Meeting

  • Location:

    Virtual Meeting


The BPDA will host a Public Meeting to discuss a proposed project at 1400 Boylston Street and an associated proposed zoning amendment to Article 66, The Fenway neighborhood zoning article. Discussion regarding the proposed project will focus on the proposed public open space and civic space. The proposed zoning amendment would affect the parcel on which the proposed civic space is located. The meeting will include presentations from the proponent and BPDA staff, followed by Q&A and comments from the public.

How to Participate

Please register in advance for this meeting through the following link:

Meeting ID: 160 851 8527
Toll-free call-in number: 833 568 8864

The information at this meeting is important. Interpreting services are available. If you require translation services, please contact [email protected] no later than 10/30/23.

对于您作为波士顿的居民和利益相关者,本次会议的信息至关重要。与 会的语言服务免费。如果 您需要这些语言翻译服务,请在下方的日期时间之前联系 ([email protected]):10/30/23.

作為波士頓居民和利益相關者,這次會議中的資訊對您非常重要。我們 可以向您免費提供語言輔 助服務。如果您要求這些服務,請在以下時間之前聯絡 ([email protected]):10/30/23.