CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

Squares + Streets Zoning Community Office Hours


Please join staff from the BPDA’s Zoning Reform team at our virtual office hours ! This will be a space to drop in and talk with our staff about questions and thoughts you have on the Squares + Streets draft zoning text amendment and proposed Squares + Streets zoning districts. There will be recurring afternoon and evening sessions to accommodate differing schedules.

There are no formal presentations or planned agenda items at these office hours, so we ask that you review the information and materials available on the Squares + Streets Zoning Districts page and come prepared with any thoughts, comments, or questions that you’d like to bring to our attention!

Office hours are held on a sign-up basis – if there are no sign-ups for an office hour session six (6) hours before the start of that session, then it will be canceled for the day.

How to Participate

Register in advance

Meeting ID: 161 592 3962
Toll-free call-in number: 833 568 8864