CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

This is the website for the City of Boston’s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

Zoning Commission Hearing

Jan 17, 2024

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Contact Name:

    Jeffrey Hampton

  • Contact Email Address:

    [email protected]

  • Type:

    Zoning Commission

  • Location:

    Virtual Meeting

  • Contact Phone:



Register for Zoom:

The Boston Zoning Commission typically meets on the second Wednesday (and third, when applicable) of each month to rule on proposed amendments to the Boston Zoning Code. Anyone may petition the Zoning Commission to adopt a zoning change. Typically, the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) petitions the Zoning Commission to adopt zoning changes after a public dialogue and approval from the BPDA board.

Zoning Commission hearings are currently being conducted virtually through Zoom. The public can participate in hearings by registering for and attending Zoom meetings and verbally offering public comment. The public can also send written comments by email to [email protected] or by post to 1 City Hall Square, 9th Floor, Boston, MA 02201


9:00 AM Map Amendment Application No. 770
Development Plan for Planned Development Area No. 147
Mary Ellen McCormack Phase I Redevelopment
Map 4, South Boston

Said map amendment would add the designation “D,” indicating a Planned Development Area overlay to approximately 784,080 square feet (approximately 18 acres) of land located at 10 Kemp Street in South Boston and is generally bounded by Old Colony Avenue to the east, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (“MBTA”) right-of-way to the south, Dorchester Avenue and O’Connor Way to the west, and Devine way to the north. Said Development Plan would allow for the phased redevelopment of the northern-most 18 acres of the 31-acre McCormack Development into a mixed-use, mixed-income community. The Proposed Project will comprise eight (8) new buildings, the substantial renovation of an existing structure (the “Boiler Building”) and will include up to 1,440,000 square feet of gross floor area (“GFA”) of residential, retail, community, and open space uses, and uses accessory and ancillary thereto. Building heights will range from low and mid-rise structures to a high-rise tower with the maximum height not to exceed 19 stories (199 feet). Approximately thirteen percent (13%) of the Project Site, approximately 2.48 acres, will be comprised of publicly accessible open space which will be provided in a variety of configurations, with active and passive areas and hardscaped and planted areas.

For more information on Mary Ellen McCormack Phase I Redevelopment, please visit the project page.
9:15 AM Map Amendment Application No. 769
Master Plan for Planned Development Area No. 146
Columbia Point Crossing
Map 5A/5B, Dorchester Neighborhood District

Said map amendment would add the designation “D,” indicating a Planned Development Area overlay to approximately 8.9 acres of land consisting of 35-45 Morrissey Boulevard, 55 Morrissey Boulevard, and 75 Morrissey Boulevard and is generally bounded to the south by the former Boston Globe headquarters (now Southline), to the west by the Southeast Expressway (Interstate 93), to the north by two multi-family residential buildings, and to the east by Morrissey Boulevard. The Proposed Project contemplates seven (7) new buildings on the Site, which buildings are currently conceptualized as four (4) commercial buildings and three (3) multi-family residential buildings, with the building ground floors to include a mix of restaurant, retail, lobby, and public space. The Proposed Project contemplates the creation of a new roadway network and new bicycle and pedestrian pathways within the Project Site; the development of other publicly accessible space, including four (4) ground-level outdoor community recreation spaces (totaling approximately 1.35 acres), with landscaping and seating for use by shoppers, area employees, and area residents; and 5 below-grade parking areas. Approximately 4.2 acres or 47% of the Project Site includes publicly accessible open spaces, public realm, and public roadways.

For more information on Columbia Point Crossing, please visit the project page
9:30 AM Map Amendment Application No. 771
Development Plan for Planned Development Area No. 145
415 Newbury Street, Back Bay
Map 1, Boston Proper

Said map amendment would add the designation “D,” indicating a Planned Development Area overlay to approximately 48,161 square feet (1.1 acres) of land comprised of 374 Commonwealth Avenue containing the existing Harvard Club of Boston (the “Club”) building (the “Clubhouse”), 415 Newbury Street, and a portion of 380 Commonwealth Avenue. The Project Site is bounded to the north by Commonwealth Avenue and a private alley with abutting residential properties further north, The Proposed Project includes the demolition of the Annex and construction of two new buildings (a 3-story building and an 11-story building) containing approximately 133 residential units, residential amenities, and new Club facilities within approximately 157,000 square feet of Gross Floor Area (GFA) of new building space, together with up to 125 off-street managed vehicle parking spaces that will serve the on-site uses and may be made available to residents of 380 Commonwealth Avenue and others as the Club may determine, and related site and public realm improvements. Approximately 64,000 square feet of existing Clubhouse GFA will remain. The Proposed Project includes a minimum of 133 indoor and secured bicycle parking spaces for residents and employees, and a minimum of 27 visitor bicycle parking spaces on Newbury Street and at the existing Clubhouse rear entrance for visitors to the residential building.

For more information on 415 Newbury Street, please visit the project page.
9:45 AM Director’s Update