The City of Boston Planning Department is hosting this virtual public meeting to closeout the public review process for the draft zoning updates to Roslindale Square and to present the updated draft zoning map amendment that will be brought to the BPDA Board for petition and the Boston Zoning Commission for adoption.
At this meeting, staff will highlight the updates made to the draft zoning map compared to the draft version that was released back on February 14. Staff will also provide a summary of public comments received overall and since the check-in meeting that was held on March 18, 2025. The remaining timeline for zoning adoption will be explained, including how stakeholders can continue to direct their comments on the draft zoning updates to the BPDA Board and Boston Zoning Commission.
Interpretation in Spanish will be provided. Interpretation in additional languages can be provided upon request. Interpretation requests can be sent to [email protected].
For reference, the draft zoning updates and supporting materials can be found at under “Zoning Updates for Roslindale Square.”
How to Participate
Meeting ID: 160 567 7870