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688 income-restricted housing units approved at April BPDA Board meeting

Apr 15, 2021

Developer designated for Parcel 8 in Roxbury

The Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) Board of Directors this month approved two new development projects and two Notice of Project Changes (NPC). The new projects will create or renovate 688 residential units, all of which will be designated as income-restricted. Included in today’s approvals is the redevelopment of 253 existing units at the Boston Housing Authority’s Mildred Hailey Apartment Complex in Jamaica Plain, and the creation of an additional 420 income-restricted units. The Mildred Hailey public hearing was simultaneously translated into Spanish, Somali, Haitian-Creole, and Arabic, in compliance with the BPDA’s Language Access Policy.

The approved new development projects represent 851,300 square feet and an investment of $406 million and will support nearly 400 indirect or induced jobs.

Affordable housing, cultural space, moves forward at Parcel 8 in Roxbury

As part of the ongoing work to implement the goals identified by the community in PLAN: Nubian Square, the Board voted to tentatively designate NUBA as the development team for Parcel 8, an approximately 47,000 square foot parcel of vacant, publicly-owned land on Melnea Cass Boulevard and bounded by Washington Street and Harrison Avenue in Roxbury’s Nubian Square.

Parcel 8 was identified as a disposition site in PLAN: Nubian Square, and after a robust community process a Request for Proposals (RFP) was released for the site in February 2020 contemplating mixed-use development with residential housing and ground floor commercial or retail use, and opportunities for wealth creation, a park to serve as a gateway to Nubian Square, affordable housing, and a commitment to diversity and inclusion throughout the development process.

Following an extensive review and community process, NUBA’s proposal to create a 105,000 square foot development with approximately 102 residential units, including over 88 income-restricted, and 4,000 square feet dedicated for a National Center for Afro American Arts satellite museum was selected. The residential units will be a mix of homeownership, live/work units, and rental units. The development team meets the BPDA’s diversity and inclusion criteria. The Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Oversight Committee voted in support of the designation on April 5. Following the designation, the project will now move into the Article 80 review process.

Development Projects

120-122 Hancock Street moves forward on city-owned land, bringing 15 income-restricted units to Dorchester

Live: Fully affordable project with 15 income-restricted residential units
Work: 50 new jobs
Connect: Transit-oriented, storage for 15 bicycles
Sustain: Zero Carbon Emissions standard, Passive House principle, LEED silver or gold certifiable

The Department of Neighborhood Development (DND) issued an RFP for 120-122 Hancock Street and in 2020 designated the developer of the site for the construction of a four-story, 20,500 square foot fully affordable residential development with 15 income-restricted units. The project will include a mix of two and three bedroom units. Eight units will be available for households earning at or below 80 percent of Area Median Income (AMI), and seven units will be available for housings earning at or below 100 percent AMI. The project will include nine on-site parking spaces, and will construct pedestrian and public realm improvements along Hancock Street.

First phase of redevelopment of Mildred Hailey Apartments moves forward, will renovate 253 public housing units and create 420 new income-restricted units in Jamaica Plain

Live: 673 new housing units, including 253 one-to-one replacement of existing Section 8 units and 420 new income-restricted units at a range of levels
Work: 1,000 construction jobs
Connect: Pedestrian and transit friendly with access to Jackson Square MBTA station, Southwest Corridor Park
Sustain: LEED Gold

The first phase of redevelopment of the Mildred Hailey Apartments responds to a Request for Proposals (RFP) issued by the Boston Housing Authority (BHA). The project will replace 253 existing public housing units and construct 420 new income-restricted rental units at a range of income-levels. The project will also construct a new Anna Mae Cole Community Center and Anna Mae Cole outdoor plaza to provide prominent gathering spaces for all residents of Mildred Hailey. Approximately 8,300 square feet of ground floor space will be provided along Heath Street and Centre Street for community programming and neighborhood retail. These spaces will activate the streetscape and connect residents of Mildred Hailey Apartments and residents of the surrounding neighborhood. Additional phases of the project will require public engagement and design approval by the Boston Civic Design Commission (BCDC).

In addition to the new projects, the BPDA Board approved two Notice of Project Changes:

  • The final phase of the Old Colony BHA redevelopment project, which will reconstruct 208 income-restricted public housing units in South Boston. This public hearing was simultaneously translated into Spanish.
  • 47-55 LaGrange Street in Downtown will convert 176 residential units from rental to homeownership.

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