Located within two miles and three subway stops from downtown Boston, the Columbia Point peninsula is home to some of Boston’s most important institutions—the University of Massachusetts, Boston (UMass Boston); the John F. Kennedy Library; the State Archives; the Boston Globe; Boston College High School; McCormack Middle School and Dever Elementary School; St. Christopher’s Church; and the Corcoran Jennison Companies, among others. It is also home to the approximately 3,500 residents who live in the Harbor Point community. The Boston Harborwalk also extends along the perimeter of Columbia Point.
In August 2007, in response to heightened planning and development activity on the part of individual property owners in Columbia Point, including UMass Boston, the BRA began a process to prepare a Master Plan for the Columbia Point peninsula.
At the start of the process, a Task Force was formed to advise the BRA on planning process. The Task Force held 18 sessions, all of which were open to the public. Additionally, the Task Force sponsored multiple community meetings designed to engage the public directly in a dialogue about the future of Columbia Point. The City and BRA are indebted to the members of the Task Force for their hard work and dedication. At the conclusion of the community process, on June 16, 2011, the BRA Board voted unanimously to approve the final Columbia Point Master Plan. A copy of the final Master Plan can be viewed on this web page.