CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

134 Hampden Street

Land Sq. Feet
23,283 sq ft
Gross Floor Area
119,140 sq ft
Project Description
The Proponent is proposing an approximately 105,607 gross square feet (“gsf”) mixed-use self storage facility and commercial development. Which includes a change of use for approximately 73,280 existing gsf of the existing six (6) story building at the 134 Hampden Street portion of the Project Site from the existing Records Warehouse Use to a Self-Storage Use, with the accompanying changes of use to a wine storage use of approximately 434 gsf and to a business use of approximately 2,544 gsf, all on the 134 Hampden Street portion of the Project Site. Additionally the proposed project contemplates the new construction of a six (6) story addition at the 120-126 Hampden Street portion of the Project Site, including approximately 32,327 gsf of retail/office/self-storage uses in order to better activate the street corner. Approximately 3,665 gsf of retail space, and approximately 500 gsf of office space (for the self-storage uses) on the first level, approximately 3,712 gsf of office use on the second floor, and approximately 24,000 gsf of self-storage space on the second thru sixth levels (the “Proposed Project”).

Project Phase

  • Letter of Intent
  • Under Review
  • Board Approved
  • Under Construction
  • Construction Complete


Submit Your Comments

Comment period ends Mar 31, 2025. To submit a comment in a language besides English, please email [email protected].

This form includes some optional demographic questions. Completion of these questions is not required. The City of Boston is committed to equity and inclusion, and the provided demographic information will help ensure that we reach the range of different people who live in our community.
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Roxbury Large Project