CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

16-18 Hawley Street

Land Sq. Feet
9,481 sq ft
Gross Floor Area
86,730 sq ft
Project Description
Office to Residential conversion of an existing 11-story office condominium at the Project Site (“Unit 2”) from a commercial/office/business use to residential apartments in accordance with the Downtown Office to Residential Conversion Pilot Program (the “Pilot Program”), with Unit 2 consisting of approximately 86,730 square feet of Gross Floor Area (“GFA”) and approximately and 95,037 Gross Square Feet (“GSF”) (the “Project”). The Project will provide one hundred and ten (110) residential rental apartments floors two (2) to eleven (11) and associated amenities in the building’s mezzanine and basement. The existing Retail Use on the first floor (Unit 1, separately owned and leased to the US Postal Service for a Post Office) will remain unchanged, as will the exterior of the building. The unit mix will be comprised of twenty (20) studio apartments, seventy-two (72) one-bedroom apartments, and eighteen (18) two-bedroom apartments.

Project Phase

  • Letter of Intent
  • Under Review
  • Board Approved
  • Under Construction
  • Construction Complete


Submit Your Comments

Comment period ends Apr 10, 2025. To submit a comment in a language besides English, please email [email protected].

This form includes some optional demographic questions. Completion of these questions is not required. The City of Boston is committed to equity and inclusion, and the provided demographic information will help ensure that we reach the range of different people who live in our community.
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Downtown Large Project