CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

18-22 Arboretum Road

Land Sq. Feet
99,660 sq ft
Gross Floor Area
248,450 sq ft
Project Description
The Proposed Project will replace the existing industrial building at 18-22 Arboretum Road and the adjacent vacant lot at 43 Lochdale Road with a new multifamily residential building with amenity space comprising approximately 295,020 square feet of Gross Floor Area. The building will be six (6) stories (approximately 69’-10' feet) and will provide 230 apartments and 124 parking spaces. There will be a mix of studios, one-bedroom, two-bedroom, and three-bedroom units; affordable units will be provided onsite in accordance with the City’s Inclusionary Development requirements. In addition, the existing asphalt and hardscape on the site will be replaced with close to 38,000 square feet of new open space, including highly sustainable landscaping featuring more than 100 new native trees, rain gardens, and pollinator corridors.

Project Phase

  • Letter of Intent
  • Under Review
  • Board Approved
  • Under Construction
  • Construction Complete


Roslindale Large Project