CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

2-8 Bowdoin Street

Land Sq. Feet
4,380 sq ft
Gross Floor Area
28,082 sq ft
Project Description
The proposed project sits on a single lot with a total area of 4,380 square feet. The site is located at 2-8 Bowdoin Street, on the prominent corner at the intersection of Bowdoin Street, Washington Street, and Harvard Street in the Four Corners neighborhood of Dorchester. The project entails the construction of a seven-story building comprising 22 residential units, 2,400 square feet of commercial/restaurant space, and 1,500 square feet of shared tenant amenities, including bike parking, storage space, and an accessible roof deck for all building residents. Residents and restaurant visitors will access the proposed building from Bowdoin Street, while the trash room and bike storage access will be located off Bowdoin Avenue. This project is located within a ten-minute walk (0.4 mile) of the Four Corners/Geneva MBTA Commuter Rail Station, is adjacent to bus route 23 along Washington St and within a 15-minute walk to the Fields Corner Red Line T Stop. The proponent aims to revitalize the square and attract businesses back to the immediate area. The proposed ground floor is set back from the property line to create a continuous overhang, illuminating the immediate sidewalk and adjacent areas to foster a safer environment for local residents at night. These public realm improvements, coupled with sidewalk upgrades and planted street trees, are intended to enhance vibrancy and attract local visitors to the area.

Project Phase

  • Letter of Intent
  • Under Review
  • Board Approved
  • Under Construction
  • Construction Complete


Dorchester Small Project