CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

Roxbury Preparatory Charter School Project

Land Sq. Feet
34,949 sq ft
Gross Floor Area
98,450 sq ft
Project Description
The Proponent envisions revitalizing this under-utilized storage site in the Newmarket area of the Roxbury neighborhood with the construction of a new high school facility for Roxbury Preparatory Charter School (“Roxbury Prep”), which is managed by Uncommon Schools. Roxbury Prep is fulfilling its mission to serve Boston families with an award-winning instructional model that supports students' academic and personal growth, and boasts college matriculation above the state average, with over 90 percent of our graduates enrolling in college. Specifically, the Project involves the demolition of the existing single-story storage/office structures and abandoned three-story residential house now on the site, and the construction of a new four-story academic facility of approximately 83,500 gross square feet. The new facility includes classrooms, a cafeteria, a gymnasium, and multiple administrative and storage spaces, along with approximately 46 on-site vehicular parking spaces. The parking spaces are located at grade, with a portion of the parking area located below a cantilevered portion of the building. The Project is being carefully designed to anticipate vehicular drop-off, receiving, and pedestrian safety to mitigate potential traffic impacts.

Project Phase

  • Letter of Intent
  • Under Review
  • Board Approved
  • Under Construction
  • Construction Complete


*DISCLAIMER: The timeline feature displays key milestone dates, documents, events, pictures, and public comment forms related to the selected project. Please note that this new format is a beta version and may not reflect the most up to date information. For further information or general questions, please contact the Project Manager listed above.

Roxbury Large Project