CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

776 Summer Street - Phase 2

South Boston
Land Sq. Feet
0 sq ft
Gross Floor Area
1,025,500 sq ft
Project Description
The 776 Summer Street Phase 2 Project encompasses key components of the PDA Master Plan, including the construction of two residential buildings on Blocks A and B (Including up to 636 units across Blocks A, B, and E) with parking and ground floor retail; a hotel/residential building on Block E and the 1898 Building, offering up to 240 keys, along with parking, amenities, and ground floor retail; a research and development building at Block C with associated parking and ground floor retail; and the implementation of Phase 2 site improvements, such as portions of Edison Plaza (formerly M Street Plaza), public realm enhancements on Summer Street, East First Street, and Thomas Edison Way, and supporting Phase 2 infrastructure.

Project Phase

  • Letter of Intent
  • Under Review
  • Board Approved
  • Under Construction
  • Construction Complete


South Boston Large Project