CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

841 Morton Street

Land Sq. Feet
21,985 sq ft
Gross Floor Area
67,681 sq ft
Project Description
Moawed Properties LLC (the "Proponent") proposes to redevelop an approximately 21,985 square-foot Project Site, which is currently occupied by a gas station that includes a one-story brick building, associated gas pumps under a canopy, paved parking areas, dumpster area, and landscaped areas with access from both Morton and Flint Streets into a new 5-story mixed-use, multi-family residence with approximately 67,567 gross square feet of floor area including 52 residential units, approximately 2,396 gross square feet of ground floor retail space, amenity spaces for residents, a 42 parking space garage, 42 bicycle spaces within the building, and additional exterior bicycle spaces for visitors in conformance with City guidelines (collectively, the "Proposed Project").

Project Phase

  • Letter of Intent
  • Under Review
  • Board Approved
  • Under Construction
  • Construction Complete


Mattapan Large Project