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Dorchester Bay City


Nick Carter

Land Square Feet

1,579,485 ft2

Dorchester PDA Master Plan
Bayside Property Owner, LLC (Bayside Proponent), Morrissey Property Owner, LLC (Morrissey Proponent), Mt. Vernon Street Property Owner LLC (Mt. Vernon Proponent), and B.T.U.H.W.F. Corporation (BTU Corp., or BTU Proponent) for which Accordia Partners Read more..., LLC is acting as the development agent, propose the redevelopment of three parcels of land totaling approximately 36.26 acres (the “Project Site”). The 200 Mt. Vernon Street property (“Bayside Site”) comprises approximately 19.94 acres of land, is owned by the University of Massachusetts Building Authority (“UMBA”), and currently contains a surface parking lot. UMBA has designated Bayside Property Owner, LLC as the developer of the Bayside Site. The BTU property (to be subdivided into the “DBC BTU Site” and “BTU Site”) is an approximately 2.70 acre parcel containing the current Boston Teachers Union headquarters building. The 2 Morrissey Boulevard site (“2 Morrissey Site”) is an approximately 13.61 acre parcel containing a building currently housing office, banking and other uses, and accessory surface parking. The Proponents propose to redevelop the Project Site with approximately 6.48 million square feet of gross floor area containing a mix of uses, including approximately 1,970 residential units, approximately 165,000 sf of ground floor retail/commercial space, and approximately 4,395,600 sf of office, research and development, and/or potentially academic uses. The Project will also include approximately 21.7 acres of publicly accessible open space, a new street circulation system to accommodate bicyclists, pedestrians, and vehicles, and ground floor retail, restaurant and other uses designed to create a lively destination and community in which to live, work and recreate. The Project will include climate resiliency measures that are designed to protect the Project and nearby neighborhoods


*DISCLAIMER: The timeline feature displays key milestone dates, documents, events, pictures, and public comment forms related to the selected project. Please note that this new format is a beta version and may not reflect the most up to date information. For further information or general questions, please contact the Project Manager listed above.