CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

Mary Ellen McCormack Redevelopment

South Boston
Land Sq. Feet
410,000 sq ft
Gross Floor Area
1,478,000 sq ft
Project Description
The Development Plan and the Supplemental Information response have been filed for the first phase of the Mary Ellen McCormack Redevelopment Project. The filings describe the redevelopment of the northernmost 18 acres of the approximately 31-acre Master Plan project site located on Old Colony Avenue in South Boston. The Project is comprised of 1,365 units of new mixed-income housing (572 of which will be affordable replacement units), 69,000 square feet of community and retail space, 2.3 acres of open space, and approximately 520 parking spaces.

Project Phase

  • Letter of Intent
  • Under Review
  • Board Approved
  • Under Construction
  • Construction Complete


*DISCLAIMER: The timeline feature displays key milestone dates, documents, events, pictures, and public comment forms related to the selected project. Please note that this new format is a beta version and may not reflect the most up to date information. For further information or general questions, please contact the Project Manager listed above.

South Boston Large Project