CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

Dana Farber Cancer Institute


Tyler Ross


Longwood Medical Area

Active Projects

1 Joslin Place Hospital

DFCI is not proposing any new Institutional Projects. No new Proposed Institutional Projects are planned; (ii) no changes in the Institutional Master Plan are proposed that would constitute a change in the use, dimensional, parking, or loading elements of the Institutional Master Plan (other than dimensional changes); and (iii) no significantly greater impacts would result from continued implementation of the approved Institutional Master Plan that was originally projected. Moreover, because DFCI is not seeking to add any new land to the IMP Area, pursuant to Section 80D-6, the Boston Zoning Commission’s approval of the requested extension is not required. Accordingly, DFCI respectfully requests that the BPDA waive additional review of this renewal application and approve this IMPNF, along with the existing, current IMP, together as the renewed DFCI Institutional Master Plan.
Land Square Feet: 0 ft2

Submit Your Comments

Comment period ends Mar 03, 2025. To submit a comment in a language besides English, please email [email protected].

This form includes some optional demographic questions. Completion of these questions is not required. The City of Boston is committed to equity and inclusion, and the provided demographic information will help ensure that we reach the range of different people who live in our community.
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