CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

This is the website for the City of Boston’s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

Research Publications


2014 Financial Education Report

A Review of Financial Education Practices in the United States & Observations on Applications to Immigrant Markets for Financial Services


Most Recent

Boston Maps 2000-Thematic Maps

A collection of thematic maps showing some of the important demographic, housing and socio-economic characteristics of Boston neighborhoods based on Census 2000 and other sources.

Mayor Menino's Report on Boston--America's College Town

Higher Education, a leading industry in Boston, is a source of economic, social and cultural strength. However, housing markets get pressure from students’ demand for on-campus dormitories and by intensive use of off-campus neighborhood apartments. This report summarizes survey results from the University Accountability Ordinance, a Boston City Council requirement mandating all private colleges with resident students to report both student enrollment and neighborhood location twice annually.

Boston Neighborhood Maps of Census Tracts and Block Groups-Census 2000

Maps of 2000 Census geography for Boston and its neighborhoods with clear delineation of census boundaries and their ID numbers showing streets, permanent features and street names.

Census 2000: Key Neighborhood Characteristics

Selected Census 2000 data on neighborhoods with comparative percentages for Boston city presented in 17 Tables and 11 graphs.

A New Housing Parternship

Housing demand and creation of dormitory beds by institutions of higher education and health care.

Residential Land Use in Boston

An analysis of residential land use in Boston with reference to parcel size, structural characteristics of housing units and land use distribution within neighborhoods.

South Dorchester-Planning District -2000 Census of Population and Housing

Forty tables profiling socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the neighborhood.

South End-Planning District -2000 Census of Population and Housing

Forty tables profiling socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the neighborhood.

West Roxbury-Planning District -2000 Census of Population and Housing

Forty tables profiling socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the neighborhood.

Mattapan-2000 Census of Population and Housing

Forty tables profiling socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the neighborhood.