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Transportation Advisory Committee

The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) was formed through the review and approval process of the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park Master Plan Update (FMPU).

The TAC will comprise appointees from the City of Boston PLanning Department, City of Boston Transportation Department, Massport Authority, Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT), Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), the RLFMP Business Association, and the Seaport Transportation Management Association.

The FMPU outlines a strategy for attracting development for general industrial and commercial uses in a manner compatible with water-dependent industrial uses to a portion of the RLFMP while maintaining two-thirds of the Designated Port Area (DPA) tideland area in maritime industrial use or reserved for such uses.

Attracting such general industrial and commercial supporting uses is critical and necessary to create a sustainable maritime industry and support water-dependent industrial uses at the Park over the long term.

The BPDA has already established a Maritime Capital Reserve Fund to which revenue generated by proponents of non-water dependent use projects will fund water-dependent infrastructure improvements including transportation infrastructure. In addition, the FMPU identifies a formulaic approach by which transportation mitigation payments will be calculated for each new general industrial project to fund roadway infrastructure and transit-oriented projects to offset the impacts of new trip generation to the Park.

The TAC was established to advise the City on transportation infrastructure improvements needed to support future development at the RLFMP.

The TAC will review proposed development projects, provide feedback on each project’s transportation analysis and impacts and monitor the implementation of the transit and roadway infrastructure improvements identified in the FMPU.

Proponents for new general industrial and commercial projects are subject to Large Project Review, a Special Review Procedure (SRP) with the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) along with individual Chapter 91 licensing.

As required though the MEPA SRP, proponents shall provide a copy of their transportation analysis to the TAC prior to filing a Project Commencement Notices (PCN). The TAC will review the project’s traffic impacts and determine appropriate mitigation measures to be implemented to minimize impacts to freight, the roadway network in general and transit facilities. The TAC will also provide input and guidance on each five-year update by the City to MEPA required by this SRP, including input on the scope of the updated traffic analysis.

The five-year Final Master Plan Update update shall include a comparison of cumulative impacts of projects approved and/or constructed as compared to FMPU, review of mitigation completed and outstanding, and any additional mitigation required.

The TAC will meet at least twice annually to review and guide the Planning Department and as needed for projects undergoing permitting review in the RLFMP.

Community Engagement

Previous Events

Click on the event date to view details and materials.

Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park Transportation Advisory Committee Biannual Meeting

September 19, 2024

Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park Final Master Plan Update Chapter 91 Waterways Application Public Hearing

May 4, 2023

MEPA Virtual Site Visit for the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park Final Master Plan Update

April 5, 2022

Summary & Goals

An important component of the planning for the South Boston waterfront is the protection and enhancement of Boston’s RLFMP for maritime industrial and industrial activity. In furtherance of this goal, the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) and Economic Development and Industrial Corporation (EDIC) developed a master plan in 1999 that established a framework for future development within the RLFMP and included a specific process for review of future projects under the MEPA and chapter 91, while also providing a flexible framework to attract new and existing industries that can provide attractive job opportunities for Boston residents.

An updated RLFMP master plan offers an opportunity to analyze the changes and challenges to this part of the Boston Harbor and to plot out a course for the next ten years. Since the Master Plan was finalized and the Master Chapter 91 License was issued, there have been numerous changes made to the RLFMP. Examples range from investments in seafood processing and motor freight facilities to a dramatic increase in new job growth sectors of life tech, green tech, and other research and development tenants. This district is undergoing an extraordinary transformation into a varied mix of uses including industrial and port operations predominating in the eastern areas and mixed commercial and residential uses in the west. While there are many successes in the RLFMP, there remain numerous vacant, undesignated or underutilized parcels and structures. There is also significant maritime infrastructure that has degraded to a point where it is very difficult to attract maritime industrial uses.

Long-range plans for the RLFMP call for a mixture of maritime industrial and related uses such as seafood processing, cruises, bulk cargo operations, and waterborne cargo warehouses supported by the necessary road and utility infrastructure, waterfront marine infrastructure, and future direct rail access. Because of the RLFMP’s proximity to deep draft navigation channels (40-foot deep berthing), designated truck routes including the South Boston bypass road, the interstate highway system, and potential rail connections, as well as its distance from residential neighborhoods, the site is well suited for these uses. Other uses for backland parcels include general industrial, manufacturing, research and development, and supporting commercial uses.

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