Mar 05, 2018 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Rss Contact Name:Casey Ann Hines Contact Email Address:[email protected] Type:Open House Location:33 Arch Street 29th floor Boston, MA 02110 Contact Phone:617.918.4244
Description: Please join the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) and MCAF Winthrop LLC (Proponent) for an Open House Public Meeting regarding the 115 Winthrop Square project. BPDA staff and the Proponent's development team will be available at topic specific stations. The 115 Winthrop Square project proposes the redevelopment of a City of Boston-owned parcel of land which previously included an abandoned 1,125 vehicle parking garage that was closed in 2013 due to safety concerns and is currently in the process of being razed. The Proposed Project includes redeveloping the parcel into a vibrant mixed-use project with approximately 1.592 million square feet containing residential, office, retail, restaurant, parking and other commercial uses along with a vibrant and inclusive Great Hall space.