The Planning & Zoning Division is comprised of three teams:
Comprehensive Planning - This team works with Boston's communities to create long-term plans that help foster the development of attractive, safe, diverse, and economically thriving places to live, work, and play. Planning efforts engage local residents, businesses, other City of Boston departments, and institutions to consider and guide Boston's unique neighborhoods toward the future. Learn more >
Zoning Reform - The Zoning Reform Team focuses on strategically revising, maintaining, and updating the Boston Zoning Code to align it with the City’s policy goals. Each zoning initiative includes research, engagement, and vetting before being advanced to the Planning Board and Boston Zoning Commission. In addition, staff write recommendations to the Zoning Board of Appeal when requests for zoning relief are made by property owners. Learn more >
Planning Review - This team leads the Planning Department review of development proposals to ensure consistency with current planning policy and zoning standards. This team is composed of transportation, zoning, and smart utilities planners. They support the design, preservation, enhancement, and growth of neighborhoods through the application of the zoning regulations, consistency with City mobility policies, implementation of Boston’s Complete Street Guidelines, and incorporation of sustainable infrastructure recommendations. This is done in collaboration with other Planning Department teams and City of Boston departments. The Planning Review team also provides transportation planning support to the Division’s other efforts led by the Zoning Reform and Comprehensive Planning teams. Learn more >
Planning & Zoning Division Leadership
For general inquiries contact Or call 617.918.4472
Caitlin Coppinger
Deputy Director of Comprehensive Planning
Comprehensive Planning Team page
James Fitzgerald, MUPP
Deputy Director for Planning Review
Planning Review Team page
Kathleen Onufer, AICP
Deputy Director of Zoning
Zoning Reform Team page
Ted Schwartzberg, AICP
Assistant Deputy Director for Planning Review
Planning Review Team page
Carmellite Chamblin
Assistant to the Deputies