Zoning Reform Team
The Zoning Reform Team (ZRT) focuses on strategically revising, maintaining, and updating the Boston Zoning Code to align it with the City’s policy goals. Each zoning initiative includes research, engagement, and vetting before being advanced to the Planning Board and Boston Zoning Commission. In addition, staff write recommendations to the Zoning Board of Appeal when requests for zoning relief are made by property owners.
The ZRT’s work towards a more predictable zoning code is driven by environmental and functional principles. The team envisions a code that: is climate friendly; permits density and legalizes housing of all types; embraces Smart Growth, including compact design, a mix of uses, and walkable communities; embraces tools that prevent displacement; encourages design that reinforces a strong sense of place; and that is equitable. Furthermore, the team strives for readability, usability, a reduction in nonconformities across the city, a reduced reliance on the Zoning Board of Appeal as a permitting pathway for projects, and a code that cuts red tape, shortening the time and cost that it takes to develop a project that invokes city planning policies.
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Contact Us!
For general inquiries contact planningzoningqs@boston.gov
Or call 617.918.4472