Developers are required to submit their project data and materials through the Article 80 Developer Portal. As projects progress through the Article 80 process, developers and team members can regularly access the portal to add new materials and update project data.
A Project Manager reviews all data and materials upon developer submission and coordinates updates to the Article 80 database. Approved data updates are published on the project website, facilitating public participation in the Article 80 review process.
Developer Portal Update
On June 8, 2023, the Developer Portal was updated to enhance user experience and bring online a host of new features and improvements. These include a new platform for accessing the Climate Resiliency Checklist (CRC) within the Developer Portal.
Developer Portal and Project Record Access
All users of the Developer Portal are provided with individual login credentials. Access is password-protected. See below to Request an Account.
For each project, the designated Development Contact creates a Project Record and a related Building Record(s). For each Building Record, there is a related CRC.
Team member access to specific Project Records is managed by the designated Development Contact. The Development Contact submits Team Member access requests to; please include each Team Member name, user ID, and email address.
Upon submitting your access request, please allow 2–3 business days to gain access to the Developer Portal and access to the Project and the Building Record.
Request a Developer Portal Account
Fill out the Developer Portal Access Request Form (see User Guide)
Upon approval by staff, you will receive a link notifying you that you have been granted access to the Portal, as well as a link to set your password.
After you set your password, you will be able to log into the Portal with your username and password.
Once you have been granted access to a specific Project Record and Building Record, you can start and update the related CRC.
Request Pre-file for a New Project
To submit a project concept and initiate the pre-file process, Developers must create a new Project Record through the Development Portal.
Submit Data for an Existing Project
Existing active Project Records are available in the updated Developer Portal and accounts have been created for related Development Contacts. Please reach out to your assigned Project Manager or email if you need Developer Portal access assistance or guidance.
Thresholds for Large and Small Project Review
Projects must meet the following thresholds to receive a project manager assignment and undergo Article 80 Large or Small Project Review.
Large Project Review
New construction exceeding 50,000 square feet; and/or
A change of use without significant new construction exceeding 50,000/100,000 square feet.*
Large Project Review may also apply to the substantial rehabilitation of an existing building ≥ 100,000 square feet.
*100,000 square feet in the Downtown neighborhood.

Learn more about Large Project Review.
Small Project Review
≥ 15 units
New construction ≥ 20,000 to < 50,000 ft²
New construction in Downtown* (Article 80B) < 100,000 ft²
*In the Downtown neighborhood.

Learn more about Small Project Review.