Resident & Property Owner Zoning Petitions for Text Amendments
Any resident or property owner in Boston may petition the Zoning Commission to adopt an amendment to the Zoning Code. The petitioning process currently involves paying a fee to the City which covers the costs of advertising the hearing. The Planning Department is currently drafting recommended text to create clear regulations for zoning petitions in the future.
The Planning Department and the Zoning Commission are currently in receipt of the following petition(s). The petition(s) are included here as submitted, along with any relevant Report to the Zoning Commission prepared by the Planning Department.
Petition to Amend Squares + Streets Zoning (Text amendment to Article 26, Article 3, and Article 8)
Date Received
June 4, 2024
Hyde Park Neighborhood Association
Maya Kattler-Gold, Zoning Reform Planner I
This petition has been put forward by 22 Boston residents and proposes changes to Article 26 and Article 8, which set the regulations for the Squares + Streets zoning districts, and Article 3, which establishes all zoning districts in the Code.
Proposed changes to the Squares + Streets zoning districts include adding two additional zoning districts to the Squares + Streets districts and making changes to the use regulations for existing Squares + Streets districts. These changes would impact property within Squares + Streets zoning districts in Mattapan, and any property across the city that is rezoned to Squares + Streets districts in the future.
Community Engagement
Public meeting
POSTPONED: Monday, December 2, 2024 | 6:00 PM–7:30 PM