Do you want to know more about the PLAN: Glover’s Corner planning study and what planning means? Do you want to learn more about the makeup and characteristic of your neighborhood?
Neighborhood Hour
June 5, 4:00 - 7:00PM
Boys & Girls Club of Dorchester
1135 Dorchester Avenue
Dorchester, MA 02125
Stop by to meet the PLAN: Glover’s Corner team and ask questions about the process and the makeup of your neighborhood.
For interpretation services in Cape Verdean Creole or Vietnamese please contact 617.918.4206 by May 29, 2018.
We look forward to seeing you, whether you are new to the process or have been at any of our previous workshops. For updates on the process, please visit:
The PLAN: Glover's Corner planning initiative is an opportunity to think strategically about the future of Glover’s Corner. In close partnership with the community, we will explore what and where to preserve, enhance, and grow.