Jul 11, 2018 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Rss Contact Name:Marie Mercurio Contact Email Address:[email protected] Type:Public Meeting Location:AC Hotel by Marriott at Ink Block - Barclay Conference Room 225 Albany Street Boston, MA 02118 Contact Phone:617.918.4352
Description: In 2012, new zoning for the area between Harrison Avenue and Albany Street was approved after a two year comprehensive planning process. Come to learn about the new development that has followed, updated transportation network analysis and the status of recommendations from the Plan that intend to meet current and future build-out needs. A presentation from the Boston Planning & Development Agency, Boston Transportation Department, and Boston Public Works will begin the evening, with an open house and opportunity for community members to ask questions to follow. To request interpretation services, please contact Marie Mercurio by July 3.