CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

Boston Civic Design Commission Design Committee Meeting

Aug 20, 2024

5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Contact Name:

    Kristina Ricco

  • Contact Email Address:

    [email protected]

  • Type:

    Boston Civic Design Commission (BCDC)

  • Location:

    Virtual Meeting


BCDC meets to discuss the public realm impacts of major projects that are under review. Commission meetings are open to the public. Video recordings of BCDC meetings can be viewed on the Boston City TV YouTube channel. To view a project presentation to the Commission, please visit the project's timeline through the related project link on this page.

Please note that meeting agendas are subject to change. While no additional items can be added, items can be removed, or the schedule can be adjusted prior to the meeting.

Agenda (Meeting A)

You can participate in this meeting by going to: or join by calling 669 254 5252 or 833 568 8864 (Toll Free) with meeting ID: 160 171 9746.

5:00 PM Drexel Village, Roxbury
5:45 PM Northeastern University Multipurpose Athletic Facility, 262 St. Boltolph Street, Mission Hill, Fewnway
6:30 PM 10 Malcolm X Boulevard, Roxbury

Agenda (Meeting B)

You can participate in this meeting by going to: or join by calling 669 254 5252 or 833 568 8864 (Toll Free) with meeting ID: 160 139 0288.

5:00 PM Wentworth Institute of Technology (IMP), Mission Hill, Fenway
5:45 PM Dana Farber/Beth Israel (IMP), One Joslin Place, Longwood Medical Area
6:30 PM Faneuil Gardens (121 Master Plan), Brighton