The City of Boston Planning Department is hosting a virtual public meeting to provide an update on what we have heard so far from community feedback and engagement related to the proposed draft zoning updates for Roslindale Square.
At this meeting, staff will briefly re-orient attendees to the draft zoning map for the area, then share a summary of public comments that have been received so far as well as feedback shared during office hour sessions, community presentations, and conversations on-site in Roslindale Square. Staff will also provide an overview of potential updates to the draft zoning map based on feedback received so far, as well as remind attendees of the overall timeline for the zoning adoption process.
Interpretation in Spanish will be provided. Interpretation in additional languages can be provided upon request. Interpretation requests can be sent to [email protected].
For reference, the draft zoning updates and supporting materials can be found at under “Zoning Updates for Roslindale Square.”
How to Participate
Meeting ID: 161 447 6787