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Mayor Menino Brings National "Small Business Saturday" Campaign to Boston

Nov 19, 2010

Mayor Thomas M. Menino is proud to announce that Boston is joining American Express Chairman and CEO Kenneth I. Chenault and National Trust for Historic Preservation President Stephanie Meeks in supporting the nationwide "Small Business Saturday" campaign, designed to spur business for small merchants on Saturday, November 27th, 2010. In honor of the initiative, Mayor Menino signed a proclamation formalizing November 27th – which falls between what is traditionally two of the busiest shopping days of the year, “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday” – as Small Business Saturday.

“Our small businesses are a huge economic driver here in Boston, and we continue to do everything we can to support their success. Small Business Saturday is a another great way to drive shopping dollars to our local merchants, and I want to thank our partners for making it possible,” said Mayor Menino. “We always want to remind folks that this holiday season – and year’ round – the neighborhoods are full of unique gift options. I certainly hope Bostonians will join me in shopping locally at our small businesses on Saturday, November 27th.”

Boston joins New York City as another major city to endorse the American Express initiative, which has also received strong support by the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s National Trust Main Street Center, and will also be celebrated in the Main Streets communities of Cedar Falls, Iowa and Port Townsend, Washington.

Boston will promote the nationwide local shopping campaign throughout its 20 Boston Main Streets districts, as well as city wide, culminating with a special celebration on November 27th at the Roslindale Village Main Streets district annual tree-lighting event at 3:00 p.m.

Social media will play a central role in helping raise awareness about the importance of supporting small business and recognizing Small Business Saturday. American Express is launching campaigns on Facebook and Twitter driving consumers and business owners to where they can participate in many ways, including:

* The first 10,000 business owners to sign up $100 of free Facebook advertising to help build online buzz and drive customers to shop at their businesses on Small Business Saturday. By entering a few pieces of information and clicking a button, these business owners can create a personalized, geo-targeted ad that will run on Facebook leading up to November 27th. Facebook has donated $500,000 in Facebook credits for these small business owners to use in the future.

* American Express is also giving a $25 statement credit to 100,000 cardmembers who register their card and use it to shop on Small Business Saturday at any locally-owned, independent small businesses that accepts American Express.

* Small business owners can also download online promotional materials and use a number of social media tools to promote their businesses on the inaugural Small Business Saturday.
Everyone can spread the word about the day and their favorite businesses by giving a shout-out to their favorite local shops and restaurants via Facebook and Twitter.

* For every person who 'likes' Small Business Saturday on Facebook, American Express is donating $1 up to $500,000 to Girls Inc. to empower young women to be entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

More information can be found at Small Business Saturday.

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