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Boston 2010 Census: Facts & Figures

Mar 23, 2011

Mayor Menino Announces Boston Population Continues to Grow “I am proud to see Boston’s population continue to grow,” Mayor Menino said.  “Our City continues to be a vibrant and attractive place live, work and raise a family.  As we continue to innovate and bring new jobs to our City and work to provide opportunities for families, I am confident Boston will continue to grow and thrive.”
  • The City of Boston's population is 617,594 residents, a 4.8% increase over the 2000 census or 28,453 people.
  • Comparatively, Boston’s population grew by 14,858 between 1990 and 2000, or 2.6%.
  • This marks the first time since the 1970s that Boston’s population exceeded 600,000.
  • Boston continues to be a majority minority city with 53% of the population non-white or Hispanic and 47% white non-Hispanic. In 2000 Boston’s majority status was 51% to 49%.
  • Of the largest Northeastern cities for which data were released, Boston grew the most since 2000.
More Facts about Boston’s Performance during the Decade:
  • Since 2000 Boston issued permits for 19,070 units of housing 5,468 of which are affordable.
  • Since 2000 Boston added 29 dormitories and nearly 11,000 dormitory beds, an increase of 39%.
  • During the decade Boston completed 11 non-residential higher-education projects with a total of 655,400 square feet of building space.
  • Boston added 9.8 million square feet of office space to its stock.
  • Boston has built 4,970 hotel rooms (35%) with the addition of world class hotels such as The Mandarin, Westin Waterfront, Renaissance Hotel, The Liberty Hotel and the Intercontinental.
  • University student enrollment in the city grew by 16,559 students or 12.3% compared to 2000.
  • During the decade, Boston received $16.6 billion in National Institute of Health (NIH) grants.
More Numbers to Come..... February & March: The US Census Bureau is releasing Redistricting Data.  These data are geared towards helping states redraw Congressional Districts including:  Total population, Total population over the age of 18, Racial distribution, Hispanic origin. & Housing units and vacancy rate. June through August: The census will release more local data including: More detailed racial categories, age, gender & household characteristics. More info: All other population characteristics will be available as a sample average by the American Community Survey including:  Educational attainment, Income, Nativity, Ancestry & Labor force participation. Graphs & Data Boston 2010 Census Numbers Boston Total Population Boston Census Annual Growth Massachusetts 2010 Census Numbers Northeast Cities 2010 Census Numbers    

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