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This is the website for the City of Boston’s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

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Mayor Menino Names Peter Meade New BRA Chief

Apr 05, 2011

Mayor Thomas M. Menino announced today that he has selected Peter Meade as his choice to lead the Boston Redevelopment Authority. The President and Chief Executive Officer of the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate, Peter Meade brings more than 30 years of economic development, healthcare, education and non-profit experience to the BRA. “I am confident that Peter will be a tremendous leader and asset to the Boston Redevelopment Authority and to the City of Boston as we move out of this recession and build on the successes of the last several years,” Mayor Menino said.  “Peter’s unique experiences as a civic and business leader make him the right person to advance the BRA’s central mission of job creation, smart and innovative planning, and cultivating strong neighborhoods.” “As a lifelong resident of Boston, it is truly an honor to have this opportunity to work with Mayor Menino, the BRA staff, and the Boston community to shape the future of our great city,” Meade said.  “Boston is a place of great history that has continued to thrive as an innovative 21st century city.  I look forward to working together to build a prosperous home for the residents, families and businesses of Boston.” Meade has held numerous leadership positions in growing sectors of our economy.  Prior to leading the development of the Kennedy Institute, he was the Executive Vice President of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts. Peter was part of the leadership team that transformed Blue Cross Blue Shield into a health insurance powerhouse with outstanding profits and a commitment to community.  Peter played a significant role in keeping the Blue Cross Blue Shield headquarters in the city of Boston. As President and CEO of the New England Council, Meade redirected the struggling organization’s management and made it the “go to” organization representing our region’s economic wellbeing and business interests in Washington, DC.  As the Chairman of The Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway Conservancy, he helped usher in a new model for sustainable leadership and community cooperation that will be the model of success of the Greenway for generations to come. As Chair of the Emerson College Board of Trustees, Meade has played a pivotal role in moving Emerson College from the Back Bay to the theater district, helping to transform an important part of downtown Boston. Beyond his many professional accomplishments Peter Meade has been recognized for his compassion, commitment and influence in Boston and throughout the region. Over the next several years the BRA will focus on the economic development taking place at the “intersections”.  Universities are working to transfer ideas to businesses.  Business sectors are collaborating as never before in cities.  And cities are crossing regional and national boundaries to build economic clusters and networks.  Meade has a lifetime of experience at these intersections and is well positioned to foster productive connections across Boston and beyond city borders. These multi-sector approaches will unfold in many of the BRA’s major upcoming projects – including the redevelopment of Dudley Square, where the city is focusing on public-private partnerships; the Innovation District on the waterfront, where open collaboration is becoming commonplace; and in new job training and creation efforts to match the evolving economy.

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