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This is the website for the City of Boston’s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

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How you can access Census Data: myNeighborhood Census Viewer

Jul 26, 2012

The U.S. Census Bureau and the BRA conducted their pilot workshop, Your Community by the Numbers, at Cambridge College.  Alvaro Lima, Director of Research, headed the workshop designed to teach individuals, communities, and organizations how to access U.S. Census data through the City of Boston’s new Web-based application, myNeighborhood Census Viewer.  The workshop was presented to an undergraduate class of 15 adults studying human geography.  The U.S. Census Bureau and the BRA will continue to host public workshops through a developing educational partnership. Mayor Menino Announces Neighborhood Census Viewer [caption id="attachment_7684" align="alignleft" width="300"] Alvaro Lima, Director of Research[/caption]      

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