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This is the website for the City of Boston’s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

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Mayor Menino Welcomes National League of Cities

Nov 29, 2012

Conference Includes 4,000 City Officials, Partners to BCEC with

City Running 11 Mobile Workshops and Staffing Numerous Panels

  Boston is hosting 4,000 city officials and urban leaders from across the nation during the National League of Cities’ (NLC) annual Congress of Cities through Saturday, December 1, 2012. NLC is convening in Boston for the first time since 2000, holding the annual convention and meetings at the Boston Convention and Exposition Center (BCEC) in the Innovation District. The event provides city officials an opportunity to share Boston’s many successes with visiting delegates via mobile workshops, issue discussions, and presentations. Mayor Thomas M. Menino has been a long time participant in NLC activities as a member of several policy committees and as the principal founder of the NLC’s Institute for Youth, Education and Families. He praised today’s announcement by the NLC regarding the appointment of former South Bay, Fla. Mayor Clarence E. Anthony as its new executive director. “Mayor Anthony and I worked together on the creation of NLCS' Institute for Youth Education and Families, and I know he shares my passion on these issues,” said Mayor Menino. This week’s annual Congress of Cities is the second NLC convention hosted in Boston during Mayor Menino’s administration. “I’ve been to many NLC conferences and have always taken back a good idea or two for use in Boston,” said Mayor Thomas M. Menino. “It’s my hope that those who come here will be inspired by our work across the City on initiatives like the Innovation District, our investment in neighborhoods like Dudley Square, and with our technology initiatives.” City staff are leading 11 “mobile workshops” where delegates board buses on a guided tour around the City, getting out of the bus to tour pertinent sites. The workshops cover a variety of topics including On a Roll: Bicycling in Boston, The Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway, Building Peace in Boston, Growing the Next Generation of Business: Boston’s Innovation District, Boston’s Main Streets, Closing the Achievement Gap, Discovering Roxbury’s Development Gems, Greenovating Boston, Boston Moves for Health, Food Policy for the City’s Social and Economic Health, and Using Technology to Engage Residents and Improve Service and Delivery. In addition, Boston was selected to highlight their successful and creative programs at the City Showcase, the NLC’s premier program celebrating city achievements. Innovative Boston programs being highlighted by city staff include Boston Bikes, Success Boston, the Mayor’s Office of New Bostonians, the Boston Public Schools Team BPS and Parent University, Tech Goes Home, and Thrive in 5 Boston. For more information on the NLC conference visit Current conference information and updates are also available on Twitter at #NLCBOS.


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