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Onein3 Spotlight: Higher Ground Farm Raises the Roof

Aug 02, 2013

  ONEin3_Spotlight                 Ye environmentalists shall rejoice at the coming of Boston’s first roof top farm! Higher Ground Farm is long in coming, spurred by the meeting of the owners, John Stoddard and Courtney Hennessey, over fifteen years ago at the University of Vermont. Since then the duo have delved further into the world of sustainable farming and now are on the cusp of seeing the fruits—no pun intended—of their labor.   [caption id="attachment_11479" align="aligncenter" width="300"]John Stoddard and Courtney Hennessey, Higher Ground Farm John Stoddard and Courtney Hennessey, Higher Ground Farm[/caption]   After months, or years really, of preparation, Boston’s first roof top farm (and second largest in the world at 55,000 square feet) is, literally, off the ground. Located atop the Boston Design Center in the Seaport District Higher Ground is in a prime spot for forward thinking and innovation. Given the farm’s innovative design it’s predicted to naturally lower the building’s temperature, pollution in the area, triple the life of the existing roof, and add some greenery to the skyline, in addition to feeding the growing Fort Point community via local restaurants and a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. [caption id="attachment_11477" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Plants growing at Higher Ground Farm Plants growing at Higher Ground Farm[/caption] In the creation process of Higher Ground farm Stoddard and Hennessey incited the help of hundreds of volunteers, received thousands of donated funds, which funded the supplies to and an irrigation system to the roof. With their combined efforts Higher Ground should be fully green and fully functional by March 2014. [caption id="attachment_11478" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Higher Ground Farm Higher Ground Farm[/caption]    

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