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Mt. Vernon Street RFP Deadline Approaching, Will Bring "Complete Streets" Guidelines to Columbia Point

Nov 22, 2013

mtvernonRFP-(1).PNGThe BRA, in partnership with Boston's Department of Public Works and Transportation Department, recently posted an RFP to develop a 25% Design for Mt. Vernon St. in Columbia Point, Dorchester. The RFP, which has a deadline of December 3, asks submitting teams to reimagine Mt. Vernon Street as a multi-modal corridor which will be equally accessible to pedestrians, bicyclists, public transit, and cars.

Located within two miles of Downtown Boston, Columbia Point is home to many of Boston’s well-known institutions: the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum; the Edward M. Kennedy Institute; the State Archives; the University of Massachusetts, Boston (“UMass Boston”); The Boston Globe; and, Boston College High School, among others. It is also home to the approximately 3,500 residents who live in the Harbor Point community, and is the site of the Dever-McCormack Schools, a group of Boston Public Schools that serve over 1,300 students.

The RFP follows on the heals of the 2011 Columbia Poing Master Planning process, the 2013 proposal of a Mt. Vernon Street redesign concept plan by The American City Coalition and Utile, Inc., and the approval of Boston's Complete Streets Guidelines. The 2011 Columbia Point Master Plan anticipates significant growth around the neighborhood as well as the transformation of UMass Boston from a commuter school to a residential campus. In the Plan, Mt. Vernon Street is identified as a corridor of critical importance which will connect growing the Columbia Point neighborhood to the JFK Red Line T Station. TACC and Utile's concept plan proposes specific strategies to support the anticipated increase in residents, students, workers, and visitors along the mid-section of Mt. Vernon. Boston's Complete Streets Guidelines provide a framework for creating a successful urban corridor which will, when completed, offer improved facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit, and vehicles; street trees; lighting; improved drainage, and other amenities. Respondents to the RFP are expected to incorporate all of these insights into their proposals.

The completed "25% Design" will equip the BRA with a detailed concept plan for Mt. Vernon St., which will be used in planning future capital construction projects. The successful team will be expected to work with the BRA to facilitate a community planning process to inform the design, and will have twelve months to complete the design work.

Any questions regarding the RFP may be directed to Tad Read Tad Read by email or by phone at (617) 918-4264.

Details Regarding the RFP Submission Process

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