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Research Division Highlights Boston's Onein3 Population

Nov 05, 2013

Boston by the Numbers: Young Adults is the latest Research Division publication. The new report highlights the city’s young adult population (ages 20-34), which make up 35% of Boston’s population. The City’s ONEin3 program works to continue to grow this important demographic in Boston by making the city a sustainable place for young people to be.
  • Boston has the highest concentration of young adults among the 25 most populous U.S. cities.
  • Young adults also make up 48.2% of Boston’s resident labor force.
  • The number of 20-34 year olds living in Boston has increased 11% since 2000, and the number of 20-24 year olds increased by 26%.
  • Allston has the highest percentage of young adult residents, making up 65% of the neighborhood.
The Boston by the Numbers series highlights the characteristics of Boston’s population and economy. Other reports in the series include features on the foreign born, families, children, women, colleges and universities, jobs, and more.

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