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BRA Disburses $100,000 to Fort Point Arts Community, Inc.

Dec 27, 2013

The BRA Board approved a disbursement of $100,000 to the Fort Point Arts Community, Inc. (FPAC) at the December 19 Board meeting as part of the Channel Center's Article 80 community benefits agreement.

Over the course of the Channel Center development $1,200,000 will be provided. Disbursements of the mitigation funds are overseen by the BRA, and the funds can be used within the Fort Point/South Boston Waterfront neighborhood by social service providers and non-profit organizations for capital improvements and programming, social support functions, childcare, affordable housing efforts, public realm improvements, and local arts initiatives.

FPAC is a non-profit arts organization which works with the over 300 artists who live and create in the Fort Point area of the South Boston Waterfront. The organization is run by member artists and volunteers, and works toward promoting artists' work, establishing community, and preserving artists' housing.

Prior to this most recent disbursement, FPAC recieved $80,000 from the mitigation funds in 2012 to help finance the relocation of the Made in Fort Point store, gallery, and community arts and meeting space from Farnsworth Street to the Channcel Center project.

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