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News & Updates

2013 Recap: Onein3

Jan 09, 2014

Start Up City: Building Boston's Entrepreneurial Eco-System

ONEin3 and the Innovation District partnered with the Rappaport Institute to host Start Up City: Building Boston's Entrepreneurial Eco System on June 11th.  More than 150 young adults, academics, public officials and business leaders attended the conference.  The program examined Boston's history of innovation and its competitive position.     
Back to Back Bay

ONEin3 Council Members arranged a #BacktoBack Bay evening to support the restaurants and businesses most affected by the Boston Marathon bombings, pumping much needed dollars into the establishments.  An employee at a local restaurant reported they saw 3X the typical number of customers for a Tuesday night. The event also provided a great opportunity to speak to managers and employees of the establishments about how their recovery was going. The evening received media coverage in the Boston Globe, The Boston Metro and BostInno.
Downtown Boston Waterfront Design Workshop

65+ ONEin3ers gathered on a Friday afternoon in May to take a tour of the Downtown Boston Waterfront, led by Richard McGuinness, Deputy Director of Waterfront Planning, followed by a design workshop.  ONEin3ers discussed creative ways to use public space, amenities that would draw them to the waterfront off-season, and ways to connect the Greenway with the Waterfront.
Boston Shines

More than 100 ONEin3ers from across Boston got together to participate in the Annual ONEin3 Boston Shines Serve & Sip.  The group cleaned and mulched more than 70 trees in Audubon Circle, removed trash and debris, and refueled at a local restaurant in the neighborhood.
The Red Line Ride

ONEin3 partnered with the City of Somerville, the City of Cambridge and small businesses to host a day-long event that featured activities spanning the three cities.  The days events promoted the easy access that exists between the communities and offered great opportunities for young adults to explore, make meaningful connections, and get to know Boston on a deeper level.

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