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This is the website for the City of Boston’s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

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BRA Staff Speak on Manufacturing, Creative Class, Sustainability

May 02, 2014

Sal Di Stefano, Canadian Urban Manufacturing Summit

Sal-DiStefano_Headshot-(1)_1-(1).jpgSal Di Stefano, Industrial and Commercial Sector Senior Manager for the BRA will be a featured speaker at the Canadian Urban Manufacturing Summit in Hamilton, Ontario Canada May 7-8. 2014.  He was invited to speak to attendees about the success of Boston's Industrial and Commercial retention program, Back Streets Boston, and specifically about his work with the Newmarket Industrial Area. This international conference is focused on issues related to Urban Manufacturing and will have attendees from around the world exchange ideas on best practices. The Back Streets Boston program has been successful in attracting and retaining our industrial base since 2001.  


Corey Zehngebot, American Planning Association National Planning Conference

Corey-Zehngebot-Headshot.jpgCorey Zehngebot, Senior Urban Designer and Architect, spoke at the American Planning Association's National Planning Conference in Atlanta, GA on April 27, 2014. The annual conference brings together thousands of planners for professional education and discussion of current issues in urban planning. Zenghebot participated in a discussion called The 'Creative Class' and Downtown Renewal, which examined how the "creative class" (a demographic which ranges from artists to engineers) is transforming underutilized areas into vibrant city spaces. The presentation also included representatives from San Francisco and Austin.

John Dalzell, MIT Sustainability Summit

JohnDalzell-city-model-s-_-1.jpgJohn Dalzell, Senior Architect, will speak at the sixth annual MIT Sustainability Summit this weekend. This year's theme, coastal cities, will bring students and professionals together to consider how urban areas on waterfronts might continue to thrive while adapting to climate change. Dalzell will speak on a panel called Designing the Coastal Cities of the Future. The discussion will focus on how coastal cities may design their waterfronts for both economic development and resiliency. Dalzell will discuss the BRA's recent work on coastal planning, including the BRA's 2013 Climate Change and Resiliency Guidelines.

Corey Zenghebot of the BRA, Brian Swett of the City of Boston's Department of Environment and Energy, and Vineet Gupta of the Boston Transportation Department will also speak at the Sustainability Summit.

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