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Boston's First EcoDistrict Celebrates on June 14

May 30, 2014

Community leaders and residents of the Talbot Norfolk Triangle (TNT), Boston's first EcoDistrict, will gather on June 14, 2014 to celebrate their commitment to sustainability.

The TNT Eco-Innovation District, located near Codman Square in Dorchester, was organized by community members who are committed to living in a clean, green, and sustainable way. TNT members have been working with sustainability practitioners, the City of Boston, and Boston Redevelopment Authority to define principles and projects that will promote sustainability in their neighborhood. Community leadership will announce some of these goals at the June 14th event.

This is a significant accomplishment: a self-driven community will measure their own progress on sustainability and help the City of Boston meet its Climate Action Goals.

Activities at the June 14 event will include:
  • Solar-power and Home-Insulation Demos
  • Green Roof Bus Stop Installation Demo
  • Green Jobs and Green Product Vendors
  • Raffles and Give-a-ways
  • Food Music and Fun for Kids
The event runs from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Elmhearst Park, Dorchester.

The City of Boston is piloting the EcoDistrict model in two areas and is currently focused on stakeholder engagement. The City of Boston and the Boston Redevelopment Authority hosted the EcoDistricts Summit 2013, attracting sustainability and business leaders from around the world to share best practices for district scale sustainability.

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