ONEin3 Spotlight: Boston Shines
Jun 11, 2014
On Saturday June 7, young adults from across Boston gathered to participate in the 3rd Annual Serve & Sip as part of Boston Shines, Boston’s annual city-wide cleanup.
The group partnered with the Yawkey Boys and Girls Club in Dudley Square to plant flowers, weed the baseball diamond, and do general maintenance. The Team at the Boys and Girls club stressed the importance of these efforts to both the club and the kids. In particular, the flowers planted help to increase pride among the kids for their club and make it stand out on the street with the bright, colorful potted flowers.
The ONEin3 Team was able to secure the donation of tools for the project from New England Building Supply, who generously donated all the materials to the Boys & Girls Club after the work was complete.
After finishing the volunteer work, the team refueled at the Haley House around the corner before heading off to enjoy the beautiful day.
More photos of the event can be viewed on the ONEin3 Facebook page.