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ONEin3 Council Member Supports Next Generation of Artists and Innovators

Sep 12, 2014

RossC-(2).jpgONEin3 Council Member Ross Chanowski has teamed up with Gallery63 and Artists for Humanity to bring “Voice, Vision, Virtuosity” to the gallery space in Factory 63. 

“Gallery63 enables Bostonians to support our next generation of artists and innovators by featuring and celebrating their artistic expressions,” says Ross.  “Gallery63’s goal is to help organizations like AFH thrive, ensuring that our next generation of ONEin3ers from across the city find creative outlet and professional experience.”

For every piece sold through Gallery63, 50% of the sale goes directly to the teen artist with the other 50% going back to AFH for their continued growth.  The Gallery’s grand opening celebration is September 18th at 6:00 p.m. Guests can register for free tickets here.

“Boston is unlike any modern city in the world,” says Ross when asked why he chose to set up shop in Boston. “We have a rich history of revolution paired with a fighting spirit of innovation, all under an umbrella of a tight knit community.”

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