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Capital Construction Department takes advantage of free utility incentives

Oct 15, 2014

boiler-(2).jpgThis picture shows the new 9,500 BTU low-pressure boiler that was recently installed at 12 Channel Street. The boiler reset controls that are currently being installed were made possible through an incentive program from National Grid.

In August, we wrote about some of our properties going on a “green diet" and now the sustainability investments continue thanks to our Capital Construction Department. The Capital Construction Deparment has entered into agreements with National Grid to reduce energy costs through the installation of boiler reset controls that will improve the performance and energy efficiency of our boiler plants at two locations – 22 Drydock Avenue and also and 12 Channel Street. 

The boiler reset controls are valued at $16,000, but will be installed at no cost to the BRA/EDIC under a National Grid incentive program. The work has commenced and is expected to be completed by the end of October.

The boiler controls are a Heat-Timer product that will be integrated with existing controls to regulate the boiler’s supply water temperature in relation to the outside air temperature. These weather-responsive controls do away with manual override and operation of the boilers, which is especially beneficial in the fall and spring when temperatures are most likely to fluctuate. The controls are programmable with adjustable day, night, and weekend settings, and they are equipped for remote communications to staff.   By regulating the boiler supply water, the boilers run on a more metered cycle, resulting in improved comfort, better efficiency, longer boiler life, lower fuel consumption, and an anticipated cost savings up to 15%.

The Capital Construction Department will continue to monitor all utility incentive programs for future BRA/EDIC building enhancements to ensure that we are fully engaged with our utility providers in seeking additional energy improvements, lower fuel and electric consumption, and reduced energy costs.


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