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BRA Planners Work with Boston Latin Students

Feb 18, 2014

Jonathan Greeley, Senior Infrastructure and Public Realm Planner, and Corey Zehngebot, Senior Urban Designer and Architect, participated in the most recent session of UrbanPlan at Boston Latin School. UrbanPlan is a realistic, engaging, and academically demanding classroom-based curriculum in which students learn about the fundamental forces that affect development in the United States. Students experience the challenging issues, private and public sector roles, complex trade-offs, and fundamental economics in play when proposing realistic land use solutions to vexing growth challenges. Greeley and Zehngebot first assisted as facilitators in the classroom as student groups refined their development proposals, and then returned the following week where they sat as mock members of the "city council," ultimately awarding development rights to the most convincing student group.


Photo Courtesy of Urban Land Institute

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