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Upham's Corner Open House Offers Live and Online Options for Community Participation

Feb 24, 2014

On February 26, the BRA will host an Upham’s Corner Open House to solicit feedback and comments from the Upham’s Corner community of Dorchester.  The BRA and their consultant team, The Cecil Group, have been working with a 13 member mayoral appointed advisory group since late-2012 toward developing long and short term strategies for capital investment, business growth, employment opportunities, and housing development in Upham’s Corner.  At the Open House, attendees will learn about the planning process, interact with the BRA team and advisory group, and provide guidance on next step strategies for economic development, housing, parks, public space, placemaking, transit, and quality of life in Upham’s Corner.

Attendees can also pick-up a copy of the Draft Upham’s Corner Station Area Plan for review.  For those who cannot attend the Open House, a survey has been setup to collect comments and ideas. The survey can be completed here:  Upham's Corner Survey for Community Members Unable to Attend the Open House

The Draft Upham's Corner Station Area Plan can be downloaded here: Upham’s Corner Station Area Plan. The formal comment period for this document is open until March 12, 2014. Comments can be submitted by email to Jeremy Roseberger, BRA Senior Planner.

The Upham’s Corner Open House is part of the ongoing Fairmount Indigo Planning Initiative, which is one of the largest planning efforts ever undertaken in Boston. The two year BRA-led initiative began in 2012 seeking to develop short and long term strategies for improving capital investment, housing and job access along the 9.2 mile Fairmount Indigo commuter rail line, which links South Station to Readville, crossing through RoxburyDorchesterMattapan, and Hyde Park.

Questions about the Open House can be directed to Jeremy Rosenberger, BRA Senior Planner.

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