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ONEin3 March Event: Harvest investment community leader speaks at Workbar

Mar 20, 2015

Boston Young Entrepreneurs (BosYE), a collaboration between ONEin3 Boston and Workbar, is hosting its next event on March 24th. The evening’s agenda will feature guest speaker Khai Nguyen, head of the investment community at Harvest, a funded FinTech company that connects investors through shared expertise across a public marketplace and private networks.

Some of the topics that Khai will cover include:
  • growth hacking
  • building the investment community within the student population
  • and increasing user engagement through gamification
BosYE endeavors to establish connections and lines of communication between members and professional communities. Therefore, attendees should come prepared for a social speaking-engagement, where a fluid exchange of feedback and ideas exists between the guests and presenter.

A $10 per person admission will go toward food for the group. Any leftover funds will be pooled into a budget for future events.

Please visit the event page for more information and to purchase tickets.

Event details:
Where: Workbar Boston, 711 Atlantic Avenue
  Lower Level
  Boston, MA 02111
When: Tuesday, March 24, 2015
  6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

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