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This is the website for the City of Boston’s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

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From an Intern’s Desk: Preparing for Public Meetings and Public Service

Jun 19, 2015

By Catie Ferrara

While classmates crammed suitcases and updated passports, I picked up my monthly T pass. I’ve been looking forward to this for months: Summer in Boston, and my first full-time internship in the field I’m studying, city planning.

I’m serving this summer as a Community Planning Intern at the BRA. With support from MIT’s Public Service Center and Department of Urban Studies & Planning, I’m helping to launch the first of several studies on the future of changing areas in Boston.

This summer, the BRA will focus on two primarily industrial areas in different neighborhoods, South Boston and Jamaica Plain. With Boston experiencing population growth and a competitive real estate market, the BRA has fielded a number of development proposals seeking to transform properties in these areas to residential and commercial uses. The studies launching this summer are meant to think strategically about the future of these areas: What types of uses would be best, and what scale of development should be allowed?

My role will be to coordinate the public engagement process for both of these studies. Community involvement is essential in this kind of planning work, since any new development will have impacts on local residents, business owners, and others. The goal is to ensure that the visions and new zoning codes for these areas reflect the ideas and meet the needs of these stakeholders.

A little more about me: I’m currently pursuing my Master’s degree in City Planning at MIT. I have worked in the private sector as an environmental impact consultant for developers proposing large projects in and around Boston. As an undergraduate, I had the chance to study the importance of public engagement in the development planning process. I’m excited to have a project for the summer that builds on my past work and career goals.

In my first few days here at City Hall, I’ve had a chance to meet the community planning, urban design, and technology staff who I’ll be working with on both studies this summer. I’ve caught up on the recent histories of the two areas, learning about proposed projects and getting neighborhood tours. I’ve helped plan a timeline for our work this summer and a communications strategy to help people understand this initiative and how they can participate.

My next challenge will be to help design and prepare open houses and participatory events in both neighborhoods for each of these studies. I’m excited to have a chance to implement some new formats in our first public meetings and online in the next few weeks. I’m looking forward to meeting the individuals and community organizations who will contribute to the future development of their neighborhoods, and to sharing more about my experience here.

Stay tuned!
Catie Ferrara is a Community Planning Intern at the Boston Redevelopment Authority. She will be sharing her experiences periodically during the summer of 2015

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