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Video: Dr. Theodore C. Landsmark, BRA Board Member, receives 2015 BSA Award of Honor

Feb 19, 2016

Originally published on the BSA website on February 4, 2016.

Above: Watch this year’s BSA Award of Honor recipient, Ted C. Landsmark Assoc. AIA, as he speaks with ArchitectureBoston magazine editor, Renée Loth about design excellence and his vision for the future of Boston's places and spaces.

Also view the short version, shown at the 5th BSA Design Awards Gala, here.

Ted Landsmark served as the President of Boston Architectural College from 1997 to 2014 and is now its president emeritus. He was Mayor Martin J. Walsh's first 2015 appointment to the Boston Redevelopment Authority's board of directors. A graduate of Yale with a PhD from Boston University, Ted has established himself as an innovative leader with a passion for public service. He has traveled the world extensively to study cities—from London and Paris to Istanbul and Tokyo—and facilitated planning sessions in New York City, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia. Throughout his life and professional career, Ted has been highly engaged in public policy, social justice, and the arts. He is the recipient of numerous honors and awards, including the American Institute of Architects' 2016 Whitney M. Young Jr. Award, in recognition for his efforts as a social activist. 

Established in 1984 by the BSA board of directors, the Award of Honor recognizes an individual whose contributions to architecture and to the BSA have been uncommonly profound, uncommonly positive, and uncommonly deserving of appreciation.

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